
bhagavad gita chapter 18 summary

Karma-Yog - The Eternal Duties of Human Beings. Translation: Oh Bharat! BG 15.18: I am transcendental to the perishable world of matter, and even to the imperishable soul; hence I am … Commentary: So far in this chapter, Shree Krishna has detailed that His opulence is the source of all the magnificence in nature, and … Sarvbhooteshu, yen, ekam’, bhaavam’, avyyam’, iikshte,Avibhaktam’, vibhakteshu, tat’, gyaanm’, viddhi, saatvikam’ ||20||, Translation: (Yen) the knowledge by which a person (vibhakteshu) distinct (sarvbhooteshu) in all the living beings (ekam’) one (avyyam’) immortal God (bhaavam’) aspect (avibhaktam’) situated equally in an undivided manner (iikshte) sees (tat’) that (gyaanm’) knowledge (saatvikam’) Satvik (viddhi) know. Translation: A man intently engaged in his own natural practical actions and acts of true bhakti attains supreme spiritual success. Translation: Free from untouchability and accepting joy-sorrow as God’s grace, to repress senses, to bear hardships for conforming to the religious rules, to remain pure internally and externally i.e. (48). God, the speaker of the knowledge of Gita, states that the Supreme God superior to Kshar Purush (Brahm) and Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16 is someone other than the above-mentioned two. But actions can … Bhagavad-Gita: Chapter 18 In chapter eighteen Lord Krsishna sums up the conclusion of the previous chapters and describes the attainment of salvation by the paths of karma in chapters one through six and in jnana yoga section which are chapters thirteen through eighteen. Yya, swapnam’, bhayam’, shokam’, vishaadm’, madam’, ev, ch,Na, vimunchati, durmedhaH, dhrtiH, saa, paarth, taamsi ||35||, Translation: (Paarth) Oh Paarth! Translation: Attaining the divine vision by grace of Shri Vyas Ji, I have directly heard this most confidential yog, being said to Arjun by Yogeshwar God Shri Krishna himself. Topic SattvicRajasic Tamasic. (64). scripture-based bhakti while performing tasks according to Varnas (karm) action (na) not (tyajet’) should relinquish (hi) because (dhoomen) with smoke (agniH) fire (iv) like (sarvaarambhaH) all the actions (doshen) with fault (aavrtaH) are equipped. (2). Translation: Where there is Yogeshwar God Shri Krishna and where there is Arjun, the wielder of bow Gandeev, there only is prosperity, victory, glory and firm morality. Chapter Eighteen. After explaining the power of the gunaas over our lives, the system of analyzing our mental makeup, the varna system, was explained. Meaning: The meaning of this Verse 54 is that by the first Brahm Gayatri Mantra given to a worshipper, all the chakras open up i.e. Translation: But even on this being the case, a person who because of having impure intellect only considers the soul as the doer in that matter i.e. This evidence is also mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 Verse 4 that I am also in the refuge of that Supreme God. Chapter 18 of Bhagavad Gita is the conclusion. in the performance of actions (kevalam’) only (aatmaanm’) soul (kartaarm’) doer (pashyati) considers (saH) that (durmatiH) foolish, ignorant person (na, pashyati) does not perceive the truth. (35). Translation: A person who will read our this religious dialogue of Gita scripture, for him also, I will be the revered deity through yagya of knowledge. Now you also hear the three types of happiness from me. Iti, te, gyaanm’, aakhyaatam’, guhyaat’, guhytaram’, mya,Vimrshya, etat’, asheshen, yatha, ichchhasi, tatha, kuru ||63||, Translation: (Iti) thus, in this way (guhyaat’) confidential (guhyataram’) extremely confidential (gyaanm’) knowledge (mya) I (te) to you (aakhyaatam’) revealed / said (etat’) this mysterious knowledge (asheshen) fully (vimrshya) properly reflecting on (yatha) as (ichchhasi) want (tatha) so (kuru) do. Causing all the living beings, mounted on the body-like machine, to revolve according to their deeds by His Maya, the Omniscient God is situated in the heart of all the living beings. Translation: But the knowledge which disctinctly perceives the different kinds of diverse natures in all the living beings, know that knowledge to be Rajas. Translation: The acts of yagya, charity and austerity should not be relinquished; rather, they must be performed because the acts of yagya, charity and austerity only are the purifiers of the wise men. Translation: Oh son of Kunti! By your grace, my delusion has been destroyed and I have acquired knowledge. (30). Next, Shri Krishna analyzed the five factors that are involved in any action : the foundation, the doer, the instruments, energy and divinity. (50). supreme state (adhigachchhati) attains. In response to Arjuna’s question about the difference between sanyaasa and tyaaga, renunciation and abandonment, Shri Krishna provided several contemporary definitions of tyaaga. Translation: Oh Achyut! This completely reverses the meaning of the verse and thus contradicts with verse 62. Translation: Oh Lion-man (braveman) Arjun! venerated God. Tam’, ev, sharnm’, gachchh, sarvbhaaven, bharat,Tatprsaadaat’, paraam’, shaantim’, sthaanm’, praapsyasi, shaashvatam’ ||62||, Translation: (Bharat) Oh Bharat! Translation: A matavlambi i.e. Also remembering again and again that most extraordinary form of Shri Hari, my mind gets filled with great amazement, and am rejoicing again and again. Translation: A devout soul with an intellect free from everywhere, free from desires, and who is victorious over wrong deeds, who has renounced all knowledge except Tatvgyan, attains that superior most spiritual success i.e. by the grace of the complete knowledge of scripture-based sadhna (shaashvatam’) eternal (avyyam’) imperishable (padam’) state (avaapnoti) attains. Translation: Thus, I have revealed to you the extremely confidential of the confidential knowledge. Niyatm’, sangrahitam’, araagdweshatH, krtam’,Afalprepsuna, karm, yat’, tat’, saatvikam’, uchyate ||23||, Translation: (Yat’) which (karm) an action (niyatm’) scripture-based (sangrahitam’) free from the pride of doership and (afalprepsuna) by the one who is not desirous of any fruit (araagdweshatH) without love and hatred (krtam’) is performed (tat’) that (saatvikam’) Satvik (uchyate) is said to be. to be free from deceit (kshaantiH) to forgive offences of others (aarjavam’) to keep mind, senses and body simple (aastikyam’) to remain devoted to the Supreme God and His Satlok by doing scripture-based bhakti (gyaanm’) God’s bhakti is very important, otherwise, a human life is useless, this sort of simple knowledge and who is Purna Parmatma, what is He like, what is the method of attaining Him, this kind of knowledge (ch) and (vigyaanm’) knowing the Tatvgyan of Parmatma and explaining scripture-based sadhna to the other three varnas/castes (ev) only (brahmkarm) are the actions of a Brahmin knowing the obligation in relation to Brahm, which (swabhaavjam’) are born of nature because these are natural actions of a devotee in relation to attainment of God. Drop them and understand what is being said, “I am here to take care of your sins. Bhaktya, mam’, abhijaanaati, yaavaan’, yaH, ch, asmi, tattvatH,TatH, mam’, tattvatH, gyaatva, vishte, tadanantaram’ ||55||, Translation: (Bhaktya) that bhakt (mam’) me (yaH) who (ch) and (yaavaan’) what (asmi) I am (tattvatH, abhjaanaati) as it is, comes to know in essence (tatH) by that bhakti (mam’) me (tattvatH) in essence (gyaatva) knowing (tadanantaram’) soon (vishte) becomes engrossed in bhakti of the Complete God. He then enumerated three kinds of tyaaga based on the three gunaas. Translation: A person who with supreme devotion to me will instruct this utmost mysterious Gita scripture to devotees, he will attain me alone. NashtH, mohH, smrtiH, labdha, tvatprsaadaat’, mya, achyut,SthitH, asmi, gatsandehH, karishye, vachnam’, tav ||73||, Translation: (Achyut) Oh Achyut! (kachchit’) did (etat’) this Gita scripture (tvya) you (ekaagren, chetsa) with attentive mind (shrutam’) hear and (Dhananjay) Oh Dhanajay! He then enumerated three kinds of tyaaga based on the three gunaas. Translation: Whatever action, in accordance with or opposite to scriptures, a man performs by his mind, speech and body – these five are its causes. The entire Gita book written by the author of this blog, as well as shorter, easier to read versions of the Gita are available, A simple, modern translation and explanation of the Bhagavad Gita with shloka (verse) meaning. Buddhya, vishuddhya, yuktH, dhrtya, aatmaanm’, niyamya, ch,Shabdaadeen’, vishyaan’, tyaktva, raagdweshau, vyudasya, ch ||51||, Translation: (Vishuddhya) purity (buddhya) intellect (yuktH) endowed with (ch) and (dhrtya) through Satvik steadfastness (aatmaanm’ niyamya) through self-restraint (ch) and (shabdaadeen’) sound etc (vishyaan’) defects (tyaktva) relinquishing (raagdweshau) love-hatred (vyudasya) completely destroying. will liberate you from all sins. Everyone must engage in some sort of activity in this material world. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18. ShamH, damH, tapH, shaucham’, kshaantiH, aarjavam’, ev, ch,Gyaanm’, vigyaanm’, aastikyam’, brahmkarm, swabhaavjam’ ||42||, Translation: (ShamH) free from untouchability and accepting joy-sorrow as God’s grace (damH) to repress senses (tapH) to bear hardships for conforming to the religious rules (shaucham’) to remain pure internally and externally i.e. Translation: Because it is not possible for any embodied human being to entirely relinquish all the actions. (28). Shauryam’, tejH, dhrtiH, daakshyam’, yuddhe, ch, api, aplaaynm’,Daanm’, iishvarbhaavH, ch, kshaatrm’, karm, swabhaavjam’ ||43||, Translation: (Shauryam’) valour (tejH) brilliance (dhrtiH) steadfastness (daakshyam’) cleverness (ch) and (yuddhe) in the battle (api) also (aplaaynam’) not to flee (daanm’) to give charity (ch) and (iishvarbhaavH) interest in Purna Parmatma as the Lord, all these (kshaatrm’) of a Kshatriya (swabhaavjam’) natural (karm) actions. Krishna makes a distinction between the concept of renunciation and that of relinquishing. (13). ShareervaanmanobhiH, yat’, karm, praarabhte, narH,Nyaayyam’, va, vipreetam’, va, panch, ete, tasya, hetavH ||15||, Translation: (NarH) a man (shareervaanmanobhiH) by mind, speech and body (nyaayyam’) in accordance with the scriptures (va) or (vipreetam’, va) opposite to (yat’, karm) whatever action (praarabhte) performs (tasya) its (ete) these (panch) five (hetavH) are causes. Translation: The happiness which deludes the soul first at the time of experience and in the end, that happiness arising from sleep, laziness and wrongdoing, is said to be Tamas. Translation: There is no such living being either on earth or in the sky or among the gods, or anywhere else, who is free from these three gunas born of Prakriti. Na, tat’, asti, prthivyaam’, va, divi, deveshu, va, punH,Sattvam’, prkrtijaeH, muktam’, yat’, ebhiH, syaat’, tribhiH, gunaeH ||40||, Translation: (Prthivyaam’) on earth (va) or (divi) in the sky (va) or (deveshu) among the gods (punH) or anywhere else (tat’) such (sattvam’) living being, entity (na) not (asti) is (yat’) who (prkrtijaeH) born of Prakriti (ebhiH) these (tribhiH) three (gunaeH) gunas (muktam’) free (syaat’) is. You will only attain me. Sarvdharmaan’, parityajya, maam’, ekam’, sharnam’, vraj,Aham’, tva, sarvpaapebhyaH, mokshyishyaami, ma, shuchH ||66||, Translation: The Supreme God in whose refuge it has been directed to go in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62, regarding Him only is said in this Verse 66 too that (Mam’) my (sarvdharmaan’) all the religious practices (parityajya) relinquishing (ekam’) of that one unique i.e. ( sahjam ’ ) has ( te ) your ( agyaansammohH ) delusion, born of ignorance prnashtH! 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