
contemporary stations of the cross liturgy

The rest of the stations can lead through hallways toward the sanctuary of the church. We offer these Stations as a resource for use by … Every Friday at 3:00pm during lent Participate Only Live Stream ,NOT in Church Live stream—Stations of the Cross Thru our website: 6:30 PM - Stations of the Cross with Contemporary Music. Formation & Education. It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, And the sun was darkened, and … Have mercy on those who have stopped practicing their faith when persecution has come in whatever form, and inspire them to return. A Reading from the Book of Psalms 22:8,12. This uplifting anthem is probably better suited to the feast of the Triumph of the Cross (14th September) than Good Friday. For this reason, we do not claim to speak for any individual bishop or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The first is The Way of the Cross, published by Liturgy Training Publications of Chicago (2003). Holy Saturday was a long day of waiting. “There are days when I feel frail and full of fear,” said Mosul priest said, after seeing so many attacks on Iraqi Christians. The best preparation for the Stations of the Cross is a familiarity with the gospel stories of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. 3. Praying the Station of the Cross is a powerful way to identify Christ’s suffering with our own and that of the world. The Stations of the Cross, also called The Way of the Cross, is a historic practice of Christians around the world, observed especially during Lent and on Good Friday in particular. Begin Setup: This is the first station. “I shivered, remembering that it had been his voice I’d heard calling out my name when the killers searched for me at the pastor’s house where I was hiding…. The Fall. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. For in remembering this event by walking the Stations of the Cross we are not just reenacting a 2,000 year old event. This Stations of the Cross takes us on a prayerful journey of transformation in solidarity with people living in poverty around the world. L: Justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us; we wait … We represent the voices of millions of Catholics across America who seek to renew our country and our culture, in full communion with and 100% faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. At each station, we … Crucifixion in AntiquityFind the drawing that illustrates the Roman method of crucifixion in the time of Jesus. Stations of the Cross. By joining with your weakness, we discover your strength. This site provides a more complete account by Egeria, a 4th century woman who made the Holy Week pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Read. There are a number of ways in which a group can pray the Stations of the Cross: Choose from the following to pray the Stations of the Cross: Since 1991, Pope Paul II has encouraged Christians to pray the Scriptural Stations of the Cross. Praying the Stations of the Cross also includes a liturgy with Margaret Adams Parker’s woodcut prints, readings from Scripture, a contemporary prayer, and a theological reflection by Katherine Sonderegger for each Station. The events of Good Friday are commemorated in the Stations of the Cross, a 14-step devotion often performed by Catholics during Lent and especially on Good Friday. Liturgy; MM 50 Years Ago; Saints; Stations of the Cross. Photos: Manuel Beazley. In 2014, a U.N. report described how Christians are persecuted in North Korea for their “subversive beliefs.” Their humiliations include being stripped and raped, starved and tortured. Enter into the Season of Lent by accompanying our Lord as he journeys through his suffering and death by praying the Stations of the Cross. When I hold the Host in my hands, it is really he who is holding me and all of us, challenging the terrorists and keeping us united in his boundless love.” He was shot dead days after sharing these words. We remember those who stand before modern Pilates, atheist materialists, drug lords and Islamists from Colombia to China, powerful rulers who see Christ and his Church as an obstacle and want to destroy both in their people. Jesus Falls the First Time. Not when laws turned against them. [My husband] is a hero now and an inspiration for the whole world.”. We remember those who stop practicing their faith in times of persecution. Station I Jesus is Condemned to Death In a somber, tent like atmosphere, The Way Of The Cross begins. Liturgy for an Ecumenical Stations of the Cross . It is meant to be a sober reminder of what we did to Jesus before our joyous celebration on Easter Sunday of what Jesus did for us. Now that the Stations of the Cross are completed, our own way of the cross begins as we take up our cross each day. We used different rooms in the church to create the stations of the cross. Many quietly denounce Christ either out of fear of reprisal, or for fear of unpopularity. We are invited on a visual, as well as a physical and spiritual journey. A reconstruction of the hill of Calvary, or Golgotha, as it might have looked at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. We stop at each station to reflect on an image and to remember the events of Jesus’ suffering and death. Pray from the Scriptural accounts of Christ’s passion. They had to kill him to take him off the cross. Stations of the Cross Pray with St. John Henry Newman’s Meditations. It is a call to action. Background to the Stations of the Cross In this time of pandemic, we invite you at any time to “walk” the stations online by … ‘Your will be done’ (Matt 26:42) or ‘Jesus remember me’ (Lk 23:42) or ‘Father, for you all things are possible’ (Mk 14:36). Mass Times. This evening’s service will follow a simple pattern ordered around the ‘Stations of the Cross’, a term first coined for all the places that early pilgrims to Jerusalem would visit. Contemporary Way of the Cross LITURGY Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center P.O.B. It was Pope Clement XII who officially recognized the Stations of the Cross as a noble devotion for the Church in 1731, yet the Church has never provided an official ritual. Discuss the events along Jesus’ journey of suffering and how you would depict them. Jesus said “Do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children.” Luke 23:28, We remember the families of martyrs. Find the following images: Gethsemane;the small scale reconstruction of the Jerusalem temple; the city as it might have looked in the time of Jesus; and modern-day pilgrims making the journey along the. Stations of the Cross — Without the Cross Episcopalian liturgy for Stations of the Millennium Development Goals truncates the gospel, critics say. The Stations of the Cross, the Way of the Cross, the Way of Sorrows or the Via Crucis, all refer to the journey Jesus Christ traveled from the time he was condemned to death until his body was placed in a burial tomb. Praying the Stations of the Cross –Finding Hope in a Weary Land, by Katherine Sonderegger & Margaret Adams Parker (Eerdmans Publishing, 2019.) They originated when early Christians visited Jerusalem and wanted to follow literally in the footsteps of Jesus, tracing the path from Pilate’s house to Calvary. The Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross, also known as the Way of Sorrows or the Via Crucis, refers to a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers.The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked to Mount Calvary. There are no images on this site, but the prayers are quite beautiful and are related to contemporary situations. The public Stations of the Cross in Greensboro, North Carolina, also is in its fourth year. Inspired by Scott Erickson’s Stations in the Street collection, I was reminded that the meaning we can draw from the Stations of the Cross is not limited to traditional interpretations. Meditation Despised. But by the 11th century it became too dangerous to visit Jerusalem due to the upheaval of the crusades so, in Europe, it became popular to do a substitute ‘pilgrimage’ in one’s local area. Children's Liturgy of the Word. Jose shouted “Viva Cristo Rey!” (Long live Christ the King!) Lord Jesus, teach us to weep not just for those who die, but for those who reject the beauty and strength of life in you. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Christian liturgy never focuses on the death of Christ without recalling his resurrection. Stations of The Cross for Our Times. It is a way of prayer. Contemporary Stations. The Stations of the Cross were prepared for the Year of Mercy in three formats: Booklet of Reflections to download; PowerPoint presentation to download; PowerPoint video to view on line. Jesus’s followers have told the story of his passion, death, and resurrection. The concept was originated in medieval times, to bring a taste … 2. Send a letter to your local Member of Federal Parliament urging action for social justice in an area of concern. Some contemporary forms of the Stations also make clear the link between the sufferings of Christ in the first century and the sufferings of Christ’s body in the world today. Leader: May the Grace of God be abundant in this place and recall the suffering of the anointed one, the Christ, the only begotten Son, Jesus. We remember St. John Paul II. We remember martyred missionaries. Praying the Stations of the Cross alsoincludes a liturgy with Margaret Adams Parker’s woodcut prints, readings from Scripture, a contemporary … good friday 2011. meditations by. Stay with the silence for a moment before concluding. The Stations of the Cross are depicted in works of art made of stone, wood, or metal, sculpted or carved, as well as paintings and engravings. Liturgy. Ideally, one voice will name the Station and say the introductory words from the Bible, and a different voice will give the meditation and the prayer. Choose either the Traditional Stations of the Cross, or the Scriptural Stations from the download box and create your own series of images. A sung antiphon such as Jesus, Remember Me, by the Taizé Community, might also be used. May we always trust in your promise, no matter how bleak our situation becomes. A small scale model of the palace of Caiaphas, the High Priest of the Jerusalem temple at the time of Jesus’ trial and death. Prayer. Later, in prison, she met one of the men who killed most of her family. Praying the Scriptural Stations of the Cross: Since 1991, Pope Paul II has encouraged Christians to pray the Scriptural Stations of the Cross. Service of the Stations of the Cross. High School Education. The custom of pilgrims visiting Jerusalem on Holy Thursday, to retrace the footsteps of Jesus Christ during his last hours, began as early as the 4th century. Most Good Friday services feel somber because we are reflecting on the death of our Savior on a cross to pay the penalty for our sin. Lord, when we are called on to help others carry your cross, give us the grace to be strong. Some forms of the Stations of the Cross include a 15th station to recall the resurrection as an integral part of the paschal mystery. In silence and hope we wait until the light of the Resurrection breaks through the dark. On this printable document below you will find a short responsory, Scripture reading and prayer for each of the Stations. This site introduces you to the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. Text: Adapted from the Way of the Cross led by Pope Francis at the Colosseum on Good Friday 2013. “Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last.” Matthew 15:37. Posted by Webmaster • February 28, 2014 • Printer-friendly. I wanted in some way to bring the experience of the Stations of the Cross to modern worship spaces, where it made sense. the events are the heart of the Way (or Stations) of the Cross, and many different prayers and readings have been developed for this devotion. The Stations of the Cross is a liturgical way to reenact that journey as a meditation of worship, an act of devotion to God. Liturgy. Also known as the Stations of the Resurrection, this devotion parallels the This may be done in mime or drama, or in painted or sculpted form. We remember the North Korean martyrs. The devotion originated with pilgrims in Jerusalem retracing the traditional steps Jesus is believed to have followed on Good Friday. Some forms of the Stations of the Cross include a 15th station to recall the resurrection as an integral part of the paschal mystery. Also, consider downloading her Experiential Stations of the Cross. “They took his clothes and divided them.” John 19:23. “If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first.” John 15:18. Amen. Jesus falls for the second time. The tradition of the Veneration of the Cross dates back to the fourth-century. It can be said as a private form of prayer or, particularly on Fridays in Lent, as a public liturgy. Confession Times. Jesus could have come down from the cross on his own, but he never gave up. Every day we see images of people suffering their own ‘stations of the cross’. All who see me deride … led by his holiness pope benedict xvi. Mass Intention. By this time pilgrims had also begun returning to Jerusalem to make the Holy Week pilgrimage. Use these as your stopping points as you pray the Stations of the Cross. Contemporary Way of the Cross: A Liturgical Journey along the Palestinian via Dolorosa. As Christians we cannot truly pray the Stations of the Cross if we do not hear the cries of those who are suffering today and respond to them in some way. This resource is flexible. The Liturgy of Easter – Stations of the Cross. There are 14 stations that each depict a moment on his journey to Calvary, usually through sacred art, prayers, and reflections. Christ did not go straight from the cross to the Resurrection. Choose from one of the following sites to research how the Church is responding to suffering in our world today. The Sheil Catholic Chapel displays the visual stations of the cross created by Virginia Scribner Mallard (see below). We pray for the grace of hope amid persecution. Preschool and Elementary Education. The following is repeated three times while walking to the next station: Holy God, Holy and mighty Holy immortal one, Have mercy on us. “The Fall, the Fall, O God the fall of Man, … These stations are based on the biblical accounts that trace the journey of Jesus … Fortunately, Protestants have begun to recover this ancient practice, the roots of which began about the year 400 when devoted Christians made pilgrimages to Jerusalem during Holy Week. Journals … Lord Jesus, when we are offered an opportunity to share your cross, give us the grace to say yes. I eventually painted my 'Fourteen Stations… Moira Kelly is an Australian woman who is dedicated to transforming the lives of children who have suffered from horrific injuries and physical deformities. Complete Journey To The Cross – Stations. The project focuses on the art practice of contemporary Indigenous artist and Badimaya woman Julie Dowling, and specifically her series of interpretation of the Stations of the Cross. Images: St John the Evangelist Church, Otara. Of those, 16% were just there to help. It grew out of a conversation between clergy and lay leaders at three Episcopal churches in the area. “If you shout, ‘Death to Christ the King,’ we will spare your life,” the soldiers told him. It is structured for group prayer. The tradition of having fourteen Stations was first seen in Spain in the 17th century. Suggestions include the Pie Jesu by Fauré, or by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lord Jesus, like our brothers and sisters before us, help us accept the unjust judgment of Pilate in order to show your perfect love and goodness. In traditional liturgical practice, the Stations of the Cross structure devotional prayers and meditations around significant events in the final days and hours of the life of Jesus. Discuss. In 1983, when he met his would-be-assassin, Ali Agca had a simple question: “Why didn’t you die?” Pope John Paul II replied, “One hand fired the shot, another guided it.” He meant Mary. The Stations of the Cross involves the whole person in prayer. The Stations of the Cross (also called the Way of the Cross) is a traditional liturgical devotion commemorating the last day of Jesus’ life. The city of the brave lions.” “I’m proud of my son,” said a mother; “He did not change his faith to the last moment of death.” “ISIS thought they would break our hearts,” said one wife; “They did not. To think that the event of Jesus’ journey to the Cross was a one time event in history is to misunderstand the role of remembering. Handel’s Largo may also be suitable. Prayers for the Stations of the Cross. Confession Times. Give us the grace to give away our life at every Mass so that we can find it in you. Follow the journey indicated on the map and view the holy places in Jerusalem that Christian pilgrims have visited for centuries. It should be found just inside the door. It includes brand-new prayers composed by Fr. Formation & Education. Find and read the extract from the diary of Egeria, a woman who made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the 4th century. Lord Jesus, give us the courage to enthusiastically participate in the New Evangelization before, during and after persecution, come what may. Examine various other images in the following sites. People: And also with you. 23:21, 24 practised the Way of the Cross was encouraged by the Community... Save 80 % of those in the … contemporary Way of the seventeenth century devour.... Use of the lord supreme pontiff focuses on the Stations of the Cross of human suffering and how would. With action because, by the Cross... by Katherine Sonderegger & Margaret Adams Parker ( Eerdmans Publishing 2019! Liturgy for Stations of the Cross led by Pope Francis at the on. Points as you pray the Stations, we remember those who stop practicing their when. 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