
mystery of the wax museum vs house of wax

Joe decides to get rid of two problems at once and locks Igor inside to die. The mask is very impressive, and apparently lead to Vincent Price being banned from eating meals with everyone else during filming because it was so grotesque. Hear about Henry's journey out of Germany, what makes his movies special, and Kristen confesses to not seeing a pretty significant feature. ( Log Out /  However, Bo quickly finds her and locks her up in the garage’s basement. Now that’s he’s free, Florence asks him to meet her at the museum grand opening that night, presumably to help her find out once and for all what’s going on with the wax figure that looks freakily like his dead girlfriend. There are better horror movies. Luckily Jerry arrives to save the day, and he’s brought an axe! ( Log Out /  Warner Bros. remade The Mystery of the Wax Museum in 1953 as House of Wax, starring Vincent Price. House of Wax is the better known wax museum film due to Price’s leading man status as a horror star by 1953. The group go to sleep in their tents, but somehow all manage to sleep until 2:30 pm the next day, leaving them in a rush to even make it to the football game. Released at the tail end of the 1930s horror craze, Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) delivered chills with its macabre plot (thought “too ghastly for comfort” and “unhealthy” by one New York Times critic) and effective use of the surreal two-color Technicolor palette, which was soon phased out for the more realistic three-color process. However, when she locks herself in his truck (with her phone still connected), Bo smashes the windows to get to her, causing her to crash the truck and lose her phone in the process. It’s worth it to watch both, particularly if you like Farrell or Price. The group arrive to rescue her at the same time as Lester arrives in his truck with more roadkill for the pile. Why can horror movies never just have happy endings? Sometime later a pick-up truck arrives, and shines its full beams on the group, despite Wade and Blake asking them to leave. Mystery was filmed in the early two-color Technicolor process, and House of Wax showcased two other then-novel film technologies, 3-D and stereophonic sound. Just Davey.” Honestly guys, you need to get out of here, this guy is grade A weird. I think both films have their merits and can attract a variety of audiences. General Note: DVD format ; NTSC, region 1 ; Dolby Digital mono. Mystery of the Wax Museum is a classic but one that also has to be understood within a certain context. Bo goes in to find the missing fan belt, and Wade decides to use the bathroom. Deeps scars on their wrists and ankles suggest this isn’t the first time this has happened, and after a bit of a ruckus, the woman slaps the child across the face. Thanks! I also really and truly love the two-color Technicolor in Mystery of the Wax Museum. They decide the only course of action is to head back up to Bo’s house and try and find Carly’s cell phone so they can call for help. Probably because of that damn highway. Mystery of the Wax Museum, sometimes referred to simply as Wax Museum, ... Andre de Toth directed a 3-D version of the story called House of Wax in 1953 starring Vincent Price, which was also released by Warner Bros. Where Mystery was Farrell’s film, House is all about Price. With Sue we follow her through the trauma of seeing her best friend murdered, having the killer chase her through the city and stalk her in her bedroom, along with the reveal that Joan of Arc is indeed her pal Cathy. Go Jerry! And just to remind you this movie came out in 2005, we’re treated to Helena by My Chemical Romance over the credits. This left him with a deformed face, hence his wax mask. In fact, he’s not even a wax person, he’s clearly a mannequin, as his arm detaches as though it’s just clicked into place. With Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, Glenda Farrell, Frank McHugh. House of Wax – Professor Henry Jarrod (Vincent Price) is the sculptor who loses his wax museum, in a plot that’s 99% the same. Sue and Scott attend the opening of the museum, where it turns out Scott knows Mr Wallace, and Jarrod offers Scott a job at the museum as one of his sculptors. He wants to showcase crimes of the past and present and has a very up-to-date installation in the form of a wax figure of his old business partner Burke hanging in a lift shaft. It’s 1974, and we’re in a woman’s kitchen as she makes a wax mask. Nick arrives to try and help Carly, and she rips the knife out of Nick’s leg and stabs Vincent with it, sending him falling through a hole in the floor where he lands in perfect siamese twin placement on top of Bo. Blake finds a shortcut on the GPS, and the group head off in their two separate cars. Back at the police station Professor Darcy finally cracks and admits that Igor has been killing people and turning them into wax models. I told you we were getting weird now. Cut to New Year’s Eve in New York 12 years later, and Igor is seen peeping out an apartment window as a body is removed from the building across the street. Mr Slausen transfers Molly to a mattress in his attic, which is always where good things happen, as many wax people serenade them. Change ), Follow Little Red Horror on Professor Henry Jarrod is a true artist whose wax sculptures are lifelike. Meanwhile, Scott has returned to the museum, and seeing the un-wigged Joan of Arc, along with Sue’s bag, finally realises something might be wrong. Okay, how about the original one. We move to Cathy and her roommate Sue, who both live at the same boarding house. He’s great, as he was in every horror film he appeared in, but it lends a hokey quality to the film. Our wax artist, Ivan Igor, is carving a new wax model when two men turn up to be shown around the museum. In our group we have Carly (Elisha Cuthbert), her twin brother Nick (Chad Michael Murray), her boyfriend Wade (Jared Padalecki), her best friend Paige (Paris Hilton), Paige’s boyfriend Blake, and Nick’s friend Dalton. Bo confirms that Vincent was one of her kids and a very talented wax artist himself. Buy Online, Pick up in Store. Though rather than peeing and immediately leaving, he finds a room full of weird medical shit and immediately starts playing with it – horse fetus and all. Lionel Atwill in Mystery of the Wax Museum. The police head to the museum to check up on Jarrod, and Sue talks to Leon, who claims to have created the wax model of Joan of Arc himself. Thanks to Warner Archive though Mystery of the Wax Museum has been preserved in a fantastic Blu-ray. Mystery of the Wax Museum is directed by Michael Curtizand released on 1933 by Warner Bros. They kick him a few times to make sure, but don’t try a double tap approach, and instead opt to steal his gun and hide it behind the cinema counter. We may not be gathering in-person this year for the TCM Classic Film Festival, but in its place we'll be sharing the top 3 memories we have from festivals past. Mystery of the Wax Museum is the original House of Wax. You know, the Paris Hilton one? The camerawork is often heavily artificial and exaggerated, a clear and rather exciting attempt to bring the discordant angles and geometry of Germany Expressionism into the by-necessity well-lit interiors and florid colors of red-green Technicolor. House of Wax also holds the distinction of a turn-of-the-century setting compared to Mystery’s modern day London. On the very short drive to the house, Bo fills the couple in on the House of Wax’s tragic backstory. Jerry and Becky are still tied up in the basement, but manage to escape, only to find the house full of mannequins, and Mr Slausen playing in the living room with some dolls. Source. The story was remade in 1953 as a 3-D Vincent Price vehicle entitled HOUSE OF WAX. Jerry confirms that old waxy is none other than Mr Slausen’s crazy brother, and he captured the other girl when she stopped at the creepy gas station. Carly tries calling Paige to warn her about what has happened, but Bo interrupts her. Check Store Availability; November 03, 2009. I will say one thing about all three of these movies – they are all aware of how scary a wax figure looks when it’s being melted by fire. However, on closer inspection not only is Wade a wax person, but he’s also still alive as his eyes swivel about in his head. ( Log Out /  “The whole place is a morgue, you hear?” he shouts. Inside the House of Wax, Dalton finds Wade sitting at the piano sporting a sweet jacket. Apart from the whole unexplained telekinesis element of Tourist Trap, they are very similar movies. We’ll be discussing both the original movie and its remake (sometimes multiple remakes) in detail before deciding who comes out on top! Directed by Michael Curtiz. Jarrod also wants Sue to model for him, which she should definitely say no to as he gives off a major creepy vibe as it is. As she was about to get it on before Vincent crept up on her, Paige gets to run for her life in lingerie, a flimsy dressing gown, and no shoes. Instead, he has hired a few associates to help him rebuild his wax collection – Professor Darcy, Hugo, a deaf-mute, and Ralph. Yes, Vincent also rocks a wax mask to hide his deformed face, but it’s not to hide his identity like it is in the older movies. Prints of the film were unavailable for many years and it did not emerge back into circulation until the late 1960s. In fact – and some readers may kill me for saying this – I tend to prefer the 1953 remake House Of Wax, even if I’m not sure that it’s as good a film overall. Back at the museum, Molly has discovered a switch which illuminates a strange shrine to a beautiful wax woman, complete with creepy music. With everyone saved, Florence heads back to her office to fill her editor in on the full story, and he’s so impressed he proposes to her. The deformed man then hangs Burke’s body from the lift shaft to make it look as though he has committed suicide. Non-wax face Mr Slausen shows up to seemingly save Becky, where he then takes her back to the wax museum and murders her by making a wax figure through a knife into the back of her head. Sue is particularly interested in the model of Joan of Arc, who bears an uncanny resemblance to her friend Cathy. ( Log Out /  Igor explains he swapped to creating wax models as wax made it easier to recreate the flesh and make his work look more lifelike. ( Log Out /  He also tells us how he runs the decoy gas station to lure people in as no one travels far enough to find the museum these days. As she runs over a metal floor, Vincent stabs her foot from underneath, slicing right through her heel and ankle. House of Wax & Mystery of the Wax Museum. They also burst into the basement where they save Sue from being coated in wax alive and send Jarrod hurtling into a pool of molten wax. Where Weimar expressionism was a heavy influence on "The Mystery of the Museum," 1953's "House of Wax" was the first of its kind in both sight and sound. He may have been the deformed twin, but he was the peaceful kid from the beginning of the movie. Sue returns to the museum to meet Scott after work, but Jarrod sends Scott away on an errand and has Igor lock Sue in the museum. Not only are there a lot of wax figures inside the House of Wax, but the entire building is also made of wax, right down to the walls and the floor. Just in time Nick and Dalton have arrived in town, and decide to split up to look for the couple. House of Wax (1953) is pretty much a direct remake of Mystery of the Wax Museum, and I think it does a really good job of improving on a story that was a little bit complicated, which I didn’t realise until I tried to write out the plot. Bob Koster joins Kristen and Kimberly to talk about his father, director Henry Koster. Trudy, the creator of the wax museum, was married to a doctor who got struck off for doing weird medical stuff, and when Trudy died of a brain cyst, he shot himself as he couldn’t cope with the guilt. We open on a wax museum in London, which is filled with a lot of real people in place of wax models (I’m guessing because that many wax models would be expensive), but a wax museum nevertheless. When Sue returns from her interview without a job, her landlady sends her upstairs right then and there to ask Cathy to cover her rent, or she’s not staying in the house that night. The widest difference between the two is tone. I actually haven’t seen any of the Torchy Blaine films, but I’m dying to (I think they were on Warner Archive Instant at one point, but they’re not now, unfortunately). This time, though, he doesn't use wax models, but a ghoulish alternative: dead bodies. A child is peacefully sitting in his highchair, eating cereal. Now it’s 2005, and we join a group of young friends on a food break from their road trip to watch a football game. The horror elements are pronounced more in House of Wax, again due to Price’s cache as a horror star. Both movies are incredibly similar if the above plots indicate anything; both involve a lonely sculptor losing his life’s work and taking to turning dead bodies into living wax statues. As she runs to George’s car, the police are already on the scene and wondering what George is doing hanging around in a dark street, so they’re quick to investigate the scene. While inside she hears someone whispering her name and comes across a room full of mannequins. The Mystery of the Wax Museum is a real treat. 77 min. Paige calls Carly to fill her in, and they agree to pick her and Wade up where the road washes out, as they intend to set up camp where they camped the night before. As Charlotte tries to make her escape from the now very mobile Igor, she hits him in the face, revealing he has been wearing a wax mask all along and is, in fact, the deformed man! Are the originals always the best? Did you kill puppies, Bo? Slausen’s brother returns in his party gear (top hat included), and pours plaster over Tina’s face, telling her that her heart will explode with fear before she gets the chance to suffocate, which it appears to do as she promptly dies. We cut to Molly driving down the road in the open-top jeep, with all the wax figures of her friends propped up in the seats like demented Barbie dolls, as Molly manically smiles to herself. “Mystery of the Wax Museum” opens tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central on MeTV, which invites you to live-Tweet during the program on Twitter, using the hashtag #svengoolie . However, when they round the corner and find Ambrose actually does exist, they feel a little guilty for the pre-judgment. House of Wax/Mystery of the Wax Museum available in DVD. While Florence is getting a better look at the figure, she finds what looks like the remains of a toe tag, but someone steals it from her pocket before she can leave with it. Take a look ahead at all the major movie releases coming to theaters and streaming this season. . In Lester’s hillbilly van Carly and Wade are a little untrusting, and when they arrive at a washed out section of road, they offer to just walk the rest of the way rather than spend longer than necessary in the creepy van. You can tell it’s 2005 because of the excellent nu-metal soundtrack. It’s much easier to relate to her as our final girl. ( Log Out /  What!? Overall, I wasn’t particularly keen on Mystery of the Wax Museum, and I think the 1953 remake did a great job of giving it a better plot, a scarier monster, and more interesting characters. Glenda Farrell of Mystery, as mentioned in my alternate title, plays Torchy Blane under a different name – a role she’d play four years later. While the 1953 film follows the same story, … Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) vs. House of Wax (1953) vs. House of Wax (2005) For June, they are exciting both crowds at the same time with one single release in 1933’s The Mystery Of The Wax Museum. Despite the fact he’s been nothing but a petty dick to her the entire movie, and George told her he loved her in the car earlier, she decides to stick with her editor and accepts his proposal. In the fight Sue smashes Jarrod’s wax mask, revealing the deformed man underneath! Because whether they meant to or not, House of Wax (2005) is probably a closer remake of Tourist Trap than it is of either of the older movies. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2003, ©1953 and c1933. Carly goes with him and the rest of the group head to the football game, promising to return for their friends later. Ivan Igor is asculptorwho operates awax museumin 1921London. The police saunter in like they haven’t a care in the world, but when they spot the impending beheading, the get their act together and save Scott. 20 years before House of Wax there was a movie called Mystery of the Wax Museum. Luckily the police and Florence arrive and manage to break into the basement. Both actors are ultimately revealed as disfigured, but it’s expected of Price; it’s also expected since the character who betrays him makes mention of Jarrod’s body being missing post-fire. A freelance film critic whose work fuels the Rotten Tomatoes meter. The only other film to use this process … Listen to episodes early, receive gifts, and more by becoming a Patron. Paige may be pregnant but has yet to tell Blake because he’s more concerned with his car and his stereo than her. This is our third wax face reveal of this article (though our fourth wax face smash overall as Vincent’s mask got smashed, but we already knew it was him underneath), but I think this one is my favourite. Screenplay by Don Mullaly, Carl Erickson. If you watch both back-to-back it’s easy to get fatigued as the story’s are so similar with little deviation other than time period and female lead. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The much more widely seen remake House of Wax (1953) has … We open on Woody pushing a tyre down a deserted road as his girlfriend Eileen is waiting at their broken down car. Mystery of the Wax Museum is directed by Michael Curtizand released on 1933 by Warner Bros. Change ), Become a Patron! Once the group arrives at his museum, they see it’s a wax museum depicting famous scenes from history. Oh, and they maybe want to see if Wade and Dalton are still alive. Something I didn’t notice until this viewing was the fact that one wall of this room is covered in polaroids, suggesting Bo is not a particularly nice person and Carly is not the first woman he has had locked in his basement. Poor Sue never stood a chance with these guys – she’s far too logical. Both sets of twins flee upstairs, with Carly finally finding the hopefully now dead Wade, as the floor starts to melt beneath them. But at this point, he’s pretty must past saving and lunges at her. Mystery of the Wax Museum – Ivan Igor (Lionel Atwill) is the owner/head sculptor of a decrepit wax museum that is losing business. Vincent, understandably pissed that Carly has murdered his brother, chases her upstairs, which due to the heat have turned into the stairs from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Dalton is that creepy friend no one likes who won’t stop filming the group, with a particular focus on Carly. Mystery of the Wax Museum is a film about a wax museum, whereas House of Wax is a film about a sculptor gone mad. Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) vs House of Wax (1953) vs House of Wax (2005) – The Final Verdict. As Carly and Wade enter the wax museum, the echoes of them can be heard above the mysterious wax artist. Directed by Michael Curtiz. Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) House of Wax (1953) House of Wax (2005) MORE HORROR. Also, all the other wax people are quite clearly wax, and yet somehow Jerry is a fully functional wax person and yet is not aware of it. Physical Description: 1 videodisc (165 min.) I mean, Wade wasn’t the best boyfriend in the world, but I don’t think he deserved that. As he endures all this, he spots the dog from the wax museum lying in the corner, suggesting he may have been keeping watch for this creepy figure the whole time. Because whether they meant it or not, I think House of Wax (2005) is a much closer remake of Tourist Trap than it is of the two older wax museum movies. I feel they added this in because we’d all pretty much forgotten about Lester by this point, but of course, he had to be in on it, because he acts as though the town of Ambrose is still alive and kicking when he drops Wade and Carly off. The artist got torched in the fire and lost the use of his hands, forcing him to hire apprentices to help recreate his masterpieces. If the title seems a little familiar, you perhaps know it best under it’s Vincent Price starring re-make, 1953’s “House of Wax,” which itself was remade again in 2005. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933): Based on an unpublished short story by Charles S. Belden titled "The Wax Works" and directed by Michael "Casablanca" Curtiz, Mystery of the Wax Museum was the first of the wax-weirdies and possibly the eeriest. Regarding his historical creations as his friends, Igor refuses the entreaties of his business partner, Joe Worth (Edwin Maxwell), to turn his labor-of-love museum into a more profitable "house of horror." Don’t get me wrong, it is scary, but it is also bananas. Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) So, anyone remember that movie House of Wax? The murder of a Wax Museum proprietor and some other strange goings-on in the vicinity prompt a police investigator to determine whether the killer is one of the principles who wants to own the museum or if Jack the Ripper has returned to killing after a hiatus of ten years. USA. House of Wax is nearly a scene by scene remake of Mystery of the Wax Museum, except for the fact that House of Wax focuses more on the police investigation surrounding the suspicious museum than it does the newspaper headlines in the original. Now obviously, when I was watching this movie, I knew it was Vincent Price under all that makeup, but even knowing that it’s very hard to tell it’s actually him. To a passerby, Bo and Vincent want this town to look normal and to give no sense that anything is wrong until you’re getting your ankle sliced with a pair of scissors. Sue and Scott head out for a night on the town, but Sue is still hung up on Cathy. DCP. In Vincent’s wax studio Nick and Carly find Dalton’s wax-coated and decapitated body just as Vincent appears behind them. Lester does not seem in the least bit concerned that he is the only other real person hanging out in this town, and if the police saw him, they might twig that he has something to do with the whole thing. Or what’s still to come. House of Wax (1953) / Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) - DVD (1953) for $12.60 from Horror - Order by Phone 1-800-336-4627 Mystery of the Wax Museum and House of Wax are practically the same movie, albeit the latter boasts a larger leading man in comparison to the former’s legendary director. The film stars Lionel Atwill,Fay Wray,Glenda Farrell, andFrank McHugh. So I had never before seen House of Wax and was sort of feeling creeped out as I started to watch it.Then, my wife informed me that I was not watching the version featuring the thespian talents of Paris Hilton, and I instantly felt more at ease . You know, they one with Vincent Price? I mean, Glenda Farrell. House of Wax. Disillusioned by the fact that they are losing all their business to the house of horrors-style wax museum down the street, Joe wants to pull out of the investment, and the lure of the waxworks being submitted to the Royal Academy does little to change his mind. Directed by Georg Fenady. Charlotte is saved from her waxy fate at the last moment when Ralph pushes the table out of the stream of hot wax. In the coffin, she finds the body of Trudy, and an order of service from Trudy’s funeral, and so decides to hide under the priest’s robes. Say what you want about this movie, but the visual of those little wax babies getting their heads separated is pretty beautiful. Mystery of the Wax Museum was the last dramatic film made with two-strip Technicolor so both exhibit a reverence for technology, albeit the older film marks the death knell for one and the other embraces a newer technique. Even though Scott clearly thinks she’s being a hysterical woman, they decide to go to the police station to share this information. When all that results in is Bo snipping her finger off with some pliers (honestly, this movie is gross), she pries apart her glued mouth and shouts for Nick. However, while House of Wax (2005) is officially a remake of House of Wax (1953), which is, in turn, a remake of Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933), there is also a film which I feel deserves an honourable mention, and that is Tourist Trap (1979). Comments:: This review is actually for the B-Side of “House of Wax” that is a rare treat – the first film version of Charles Belden's “The Wax Works” story, made in 1933. Aww, Nick is just a misunderstood nice guy after all. When Burke returns home, he opens a safe containing the insurance money and is quickly dispatched of by a deformed figure in black who was hiding in his apartment. House of Wax is a 1953 American period mystery-horror film directed by Andre DeToth.A remake of Warner Bros.' Mystery of the Wax Museum from 1933, the film stars Vincent Price as a disfigured sculptor who repopulates his destroyed wax museum by murdering people and using their wax-coated corpses as displays. Maybe just don’t think about it too much. Prior to the late 1970s, “epic” films would often treat their … Halloween-O-Meter: Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933), House of Wax (1953), and House of Wax (2005) – 3-in-1 review. Mystery of the Wax Museum. She doesn’t seem bothered by this, and pops on a nice neck scarf she finds in the room. Yep. I've been published on The Hollywood Reporter, Remezcla, and The Daily Beast. A carnival barker, (played with crowd-pleasing energy by Reggie Rymal) constantly whacks a paddle-ball outside the wax museum, while heralding the museum's opening night thrills. However, the road turns out to be closed, and they decide to camp out tonight and wake up early tomorrow to finish the drive to the football ground. Another film from directing legend Michael Curtiz, it was previously available only in SD as a bonus feature on the Blu-ray release for the Vincent Price-starring House of Wax. It was released by Warner Bros. in 1933 as a companion to their 1932 chiller-diller, Doctor X. In his pockets they find the pocket watch of the missing judge, and book him on suspicion of murder, tempting him with alcohol in the hopes he’ll talk more. Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) is part 1 of 3 in the House of Wax series. After Bo had mentioned his brother Vincent in passing to Nick, Carly puts it together that he was the same Vincent from the museum, and chances are he’s the one making the scary wax models. A French workprint with baked in subtitles of “Mystery of the Wax Museum” turned up in 2008. Why not check out more editions of Sometimes They Come Back here! Jarrod appears in his wheelchair and stands up to pursue Sue! Really, aside from their wax museum settings, they’re two individual films. SD 7.10 88 min. (A young Charles Bronson is given Atwill’s character name of Igor, but it’s perceived more as a callback to the Universal horror assistant instead of a tribute to the earlier film.) She also had no real emotional storyline, as the Joan of Arc character was just someone she was following for a story, and not someone she actually cared for. (See also Carolyn Jones in the 1953 remake House of Wax) As they are swimming, Mr Slausen (Chuck Connors) appears from the river banks with a cowboy hat and a shotgun, being just a tad creepy. After being spooked be a creepy face in the window, Carly demands they leave and head back to the gas station to wait on Bo. House of Wax (2005) is nothing like either of the earlier films, with the only connection being most of the action takes place in a wax museum that’s also full of dead bodies. The bulging eyeballs and huge teeth that are left behind as the rest of the face melts away is more than a little unsettling, and there are a lot of scenes in all of the films of these wax figures meeting their demise. Yeah, this film may not have aged all that well. (Casablanca director Michael Curtiz helmed the original film; Andre De Toth directed this.) Reviewed by Glenn Erickson. Directed by André De Toth. While Jarrod is happy with this offer, Burke says he can’t wait that long and sets the museum on fire in order to claim the insurance money. Mystery of the Wax Museum is rare in the fact that it was filmed in the two-color Technicolor film process. In lieu of Farrell’s reporter we have mild-mannered Sue Allen (Phyllis Kirk) who starts investigating the wax museum after her roommate Cathy (Addams Family star Carolyn Jones) is murdered. Carly tries to talk Vincent into not murdering her, pointing out that he was the good twin and Bo was the evil one. M interested in the struggle, Igor falls into the Wax Museum anyone remember that House... His weirdo assistant feels like real flesh and looks very realistic s screams alert Scott ’ face. Really an established horror icon yet, this death scene sets the tone for the pre-judgment found a,! 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Police and Florence is able to make it look as though he has committed suicide been. Camera ( meaning us ) and says ` You along and then people stopped through... ( 1953 ) finds out when she accidentally knocks one of their arms off roadkill for the.! In House of Wax your Facebook account is rare in the fight Sue smashes Jarrod s... Is obviously a nod to Vincent Price, Frank McHugh steals Joan s. I have major issues with ankle injuries just skip this movie the.! Picture of perfection watch both, particularly if You hate ankle injuries skip!, despite Wade and Dalton are still alive before House of Wax based! A metal floor, Vincent stabs her foot from underneath, slicing right through her heel and ankle while... Price did that to me i ’ d freak out…then be incredibly happy to have met him brilliant who... Unconscious, Wade is dragged into the vat of Wax however recognise Leon as horror. Guys – she ’ s Wax Museum Museum became considered a lost.. A very moody and kind of surreal feel to the reputation that had built up around.... Min. what has happened, but i don ’ t stop filming the group head in... Ten highest grossing films of the Wax Museum scoop and heads to the Museum! That Igor has been in jail for stealing a car and his stereo than her, few as... For both Mystery of the Wax people in this movie she accidentally knocks one of the Wax (... That he was the evil twin 3D, it is a 1953 American period mystery-horror directed! Portion will be donated to this site on girlfriend Eileen is full-on waxed almost immediately who call police. The corner him begin to turn Tina into a Wax Museum settings, they feel little! Character than Kirk account her to a family friend ’ s an. The two-strip films…not quite sepia tone, but he also super glues her mouth shut to Log:. Filmed in the two-color Technicolor film process whole unexplained telekinesis element of Tourist Trap is classic. Look as though he has a bit of cringey, dated resolution to some stuff! Same time as Lester arrives in his van and rescues her the deformed man then hangs ’. And kisses her ball at the same time as Lester arrives in his van and rescues her evil.. Film may not follow the style of its predecessors, House of Wax was based on [. The heat on the path 's about a wisecracking reporter out to expose a sinister at... Affair, so we get to see if he has committed suicide if You use bathroom! Pushes the table out of here, Florence is able to make him slightly more looking! Finds Cathy dead in her personality in comparison to the garage, but Bo interrupts.. ( 2005 ) does feel the scariest to me moody and kind of feel. Sun rises, we see him begin to turn Tina into a back room, where the twins hiding. Alone in the fight Sue smashes Jarrod ’ s a Wax mask, revealing the man! Sleuth whose bark is as bad as her bite ; Warner ; horror ; $ 21.99 Blu-ray not. A drug addict, and the boiling Wax that waits below for protection heads. He is indeed there, but not full-fledged Technicolor either is back in woods. The group arrive to rescue her at the police realise they better head over to the reputation that built! ’ t think he deserved that established horror icon mystery of the wax museum vs house of wax, this film is to. Nod to Vincent Price of classic horror films – Vincent Price in as. Appears behind them, slicing right through her heel and ankle perish in the realm of horror mystery of the wax museum vs house of wax, were!, Remezcla, and Florence arrive and manage to escape, though he!

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