
origins of spanish civil war

This decline was, of itself, due to three key factors identified by Beevor, namely: To quote Beevor (which I will do with some frequency!) [28][32], The Second Republic was a source of hope to the poorest in Spanish society and a threat to the richest, but had broad support from all segments of society. [56] Conditions for labourers remained dreadful; the reforms had not been enforced. To what extent do you agree with this statement?' Fears of communism grew. The youth wing, the Federation of Young Socialists (Spanish: Federación de Juventudes Socialistas), were particularly militant. A central goal of the rebels was the destruction of left-wing organisations. Book Description: The question of what caused the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) is the central focus of modern Spanish historiography. This moment marks the start of the Spanish Civil War. ISBN 978-0-297-84832-5. Gil Robles struggled to control the CEDA's youth wing, which copied Germany and Italy's youth movements. [4] There were several attempts to realign the political system to match social reality. So we have an increasingly impoverished and marginalised country with limited natural resources being ruled by a highly conservative Catholic Church disconnected from the more liberal and less overtly political church emerging in other parts of Europe and a Castilian Monarchy who saw the rest of Spain and its dwindling empire as a source of funds. Mola claimed he had additional troops within the city. Land reform and working conditions remained important issues throughout the lifetime of the Republic. Thomas, The Spanish Civil War, pp. Learn how your comment data is processed. The civil war took on aspects of ideological warfare in other European countries, but it was, at its core, a Spanish thing. [75], The political left became fractured, whilst the right united. The reforms that were made alienated the land-holding right. By Alfonso Casal on March 17, 2011 • (0) The Spanish Civil War (1936 – 1939) has come to symbolize the clash between the ideologies of liberalism, socialism and communism versus conservatism, traditionalism and fascism. Ronald Fraser. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article (Academic Journal) › peer-review View Academics in Crisis of Liberal state and origins of the Spanish Civil war on [13], In 1897 an Italian anarchist assassinated Prime Minister Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, motivated by a growing number of arrests and the use of torture by the government. His advocacy of anti-clericalism made him a successful demagogue in Barcelona. [88] Open violence occurred in the streets of Spanish cities. After the First World War, the working class, the industrial class, and the military united in hopes of removing the corrupt central government, but were unsuccessful. La perfidia de Albión: el Gobierno británico y la guerra civil española (Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1996) pp. Although they are much reviled now, in fact they contributed an amazing amount to both Spain and Europe. The Spanish Civil War by Hugh Thomas. [113] Atrocities were carried out by both sides. The Church controlled every aspect of education and promoted Castilian qualities “such as endurance of suffering and equanimity in the face of death.”  It encouraged parsimony, mental and physical, and rejected the papacy because of its corruption. The Battle for Madrid. The war was one of the hardest Spain has ever faced. Spanish Civil War | Origins. Around 30,000 workers were called to arms in ten days. The old monarchy returned with the restoration of the Bourbons in December 1874,[11] as reform was deemed less important than peace and stability. His statement included the sentence "I am determined to have nothing to do with setting one of my countrymen against another in a fratricidal civil war." : An analysis grid which moves towards linking and prioritising the various factors that caused World War One. The turbulent times continued in 19th, starting with the “War of Independence” (known as The Peninsular War by the British), followed by the Carlist Wars and culminating in the disastrous Spanish-American War in 1898 and the loss of Cuba. [133] Largo Caballero held out for a collapse of the republican government, to be replaced with a socialist one as in France. Hardly an auspicious start to the century. An essay or paper on Origins of the Spanish Civil War. [138] 4, pp. A military coup brought Miguel Primo de Rivera to power in 1923, and he ran Spain as a military dictatorship. [119] Stanley Payne believes that in the perspective of contemporary European history the repression of the 1934 revolution was relatively mild and that the key leaders of the rebellion were treated with leniency. 940–941, 943, 980–984 and Broué and Témime, The Revolution and the Civil War in Spain, pp. [10] In 1873 Isabella's replacement, King Amadeo I of the House of Savoy, abdicated due to increasing political pressure, and the First Spanish Republic was proclaimed. [44] The third group were Fascist organisations, among them supporters of the dictator's son, José Antonio Primo de Rivera. The government's reluctance to declare martial law in response and a comment attributed to Azaña that he would "rather all the churches in Spain be burnt than a single Republican harmed" prompted many Catholics to believe that the Republic was trying to prosecute Christianity. In the original: "El alzamiento de 1934 es imperdonable. [109], Government troops, some brought in from Spain's Army of Africa,[110] killed men, women and children and carried out summary executions after the main cities of Asturias were retaken. History: Reviews of New Books: Vol. In fact the census of 1788 showed that almost 50% of adult males were not involved in any form of productive work, to quote Beevor – “one half of Spain east bit does not work, while the other half works but does not eat.” is a famous proverb which appears to have arisen around this time. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2006. They identified the lack of unity in the left as another reason for their defeat. Casares failed to heed Prieto's warnings of a military conspiracy involving several generals who disliked professional politicians and wanted to replace the government to prevent the dissolution of Spain. [114] The failed rising in Asturias marked the effective end of the Republic. Well, that is something that my friend Rod Younger of Books4Spain explains in one of the most lucid and penetrating articles about the Civil War in Spain that I have read for a long time. The Spanish Civil War and the origins of the Second World War book. 100% Safe Payment. [79], Following the elections of November 1933, Spain entered a period called the "black biennium" (Spanish: bienio negro)[80] by the left. State control of cemeteries was also imposed. The new government inherited an economic mess, both from the massive debts from public spending projects and the collapse of the peseta as well as the world depression brought on by the 1929 Crash (sound familiar??). What I do know from my Spanish roots, family history and experience is that the conflict was not as black as white as many people believe and, as Antony Beevor says in his Introduction, “The Spanish Civil War remains one of the few modern conflicts whose history has been written more effectively by the losers than by the winners.” and “Truth was indeed the first casualty of the Spanish Civil War.”. The army was reduced. Report. p. 31., it was estimated that around two-thirds of Spaniards were not practising Catholics. [26][27] The Restoration government failed to cope with an increasing number of strikes amongst the industrial workers in the north and the agricultural workers in the south. The costs in casualties and treasure was borne unequally. [33] In the municipal elections of 12 April 1931, little support was shown for pro-monarchy parties in the major cities, and large numbers of people gathered in the streets of Madrid. In essence, the monarchy, the aristocracy and, following closely behind, the Church, took possession of Spain – a Spain that had never previously been united (except perhaps under the Romans). A dark period in Spanish history and a prelude to World War II, the conflict unleashed passions for close to three years. Significant portions on based on Barcelona. Here, we dig into the matters surrounding the ignition of this destructive Spanish Civil War and major events in its timeline. Little effort was actually made to suppress the organisations that had carried out the insurrection, resulting in most being functional again by 1935. [60] At this point once the constituent assembly had fulfilled its mandate of approving a new constitution, it should have arranged for regular parliamentary elections and adjourned. At the same time, there were increasingly violent internal struggles between the various left wing parties themselves, as well as with the Falange, which had been founded in 1933. Although the right also voted for Zamora's removal, this was a watershed event which inspired conservatives to give up on parliamentary politics. The Origins of the Spanish Civil War. El argumento de que el señor Gil Robles intentaba destruir la Constitución para instaurar el fascismo era, a la vez, hipócrita y falso. Prime Minister Casares failed to heed warnings of a military conspiracy involving several generals, who decided that the government had to be replaced if the dissolution of Spain was to be prevented. [132] Leon Trotsky wrote that Zamora had been Spain's "stable pole", and his removal was another step towards revolution. [81] Stanley Payne asserts that the left demanded the cancellation of the elections not because the elections were fraudulent but because in its view those that had won the elections did not share the republican ideals.[83]. [119] Lerroux's Radical government collapsed after two major scandals, including the Straperlo affair. Professor Payne is the author of more than 20 books and 150 articles, as well as co-author or co-editor of 9 books. Franco’s intervention was not only the results of several years of political infighting, intrigue, machinations, violence, etc. [51] The military were opposed to reorganisation, including an increase in regional autonomy granted by the central government, and reforms to improve efficiency were seen as a direct attack. 0. Different areas, different members of families and competing regional interests all collided in a war that was the inevitable, explosive expression of a country that had long been in turmoil. DOI link for The Spanish Civil War and the origins of the Second World War. With the rebellion of 1934, the Spanish left lost even the shadow of moral authority to condemn the rebellion of 1936"[123][124][nb 8], In 1935 Azaña and Indalecio Prieto started to unify the left and to combat its extreme elements. Spain's socialist party, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, PSOE) and its associated trade union, the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), gained support. [76][77] Gil Robles set up a new party, the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (Spanish: Confederatión Espanola de Derechas Autónomas, CEDA) to contest the 1933 election, and tacitly embraced Fascism. Violence, including at Castilblanco in December 1931, was usual. As a result, between 1931 and 1936 there were several uprisings, strikes, coup attempts, elections and an increasing polarisation between the various political parties, especially on the left. from Thomas (1961). The 19th century was a turbulent time for Spain. What were the causes of the Spanish Civil War? [34][nb 1] The Second Spanish Republic was formed. Included in this paper will be a discussion of the Republican government and the opposition to this government, as well as the events which directly Causes of World War One: What was Responsible? [130] Parliament replaced Zamora with Azaña in April. Monarchists would continue to oppose the Republic. [40][41] Landlords complained. Were they really as bad that portrayed? Apart from war, the other major factor that held back Spain’s economic development was the Spanish Church’s anti-capitalist, anti-usury, line and the Spanish nobleman’s disdain for commercial enterprise. As Rod acknowledges, one of the best reference works on the origins of the Civil War in Spain and its conduct can be found in Anthony Beevor’s classic book ‘The Battle for Spain’ – but for a brief explanation (and ‘taster’) you could do a lot worse than read the article by Rod below. [49] Next day the Jesuit Church in the Calle de La Flor was also burned. Because of its ideological nature and the involvement of Germany and Italy, the Spanish Civil War is sometimes considered a ‘dress rehearsal’ for World War II. The Spanish Civil War 1936-39 was a conflict notable for its brutality and for the way it savagely divided Spain. The civil war took on aspects of ideological warfare in other European countries, but it was, at its core, a Spanish thing. How did it all start? [122] The Spanish historian Salvador de Madariaga, an Azaña's supporter, and an exiled vocal opponent of Francisco Franco asserted that: "The uprising of 1934 is unforgivable. The background of the Spanish Civil War dates back to the end of the 19th century, when the owners of large estates, called latifundios, held most of the power in a land-based oligarchy. [35], The state's financial position was poor. As an Anglo Spaniard with over 45 years’ experience of visiting, working and, for the last 10 years, living in Spain, and whose parents were raised in Spain during the Civil War, I am sometimes asked what were the true causes of the Spanish Civil War and often told by foreigners with little knowledge of Spain or its history, how terrible it was that Franco won and how he set Spain back 40 years. [41][53], In October 1931 The conservative Catholic Republican prime-minister Alcalá-Zamora and the Interior Minister Miguel Maura resigned from the provisional government when the controversial articles 26 and 27 of the constitution, which strictly controlled Church property and prohibited religious orders from engaging in education were passed. WHAT DID THE MOORS DO FOR US? [23] He handed monopolistic control of trade union power to the UGT, and introduced a sweeping programme of public works. Clubbing Together, Brothels in Spain and Spanish Culture, Corruption in Spain, Marbella, the Godfather, a face lift and Mr Clean, Hooked, drugs in Spain and the gateway to hell, On the rocks, divorce in Spain and domestic violence, Politics in Spain, the Transition to democracy, Sex in Spain and the confessions of a call girl, The big issue, how immigration in Spain is changing the face of the countrypain, The history of Spain, Spain’s unification and elevation to world power, Selling property in La Safor and the Gandia area, Authoritarian rule versus libertarian instinct; and. [24] Regenerationism became popular, and the working class, industrial class, and the military were united in their hope of removing the corrupt central government. On July 18, 1936, the Spanish Civil War begins as a revolt by right-wing Spanish military officers in Spanish Morocco and spreads to mainland Spain. 372–373.For NKVD activity in Spain see D.T. [42] Changes to the military were needed and education reform was another problem facing the Republic. That statement, read as is, is correct. According to Thomas (1961). A central goal of the rebels was the destruction of … [100] However, Zamora did not allow the CEDA to form a government, instead calling elections. [98] After a year of intense pressure, CEDA, who had more seats in parliament, was finally successful in forcing the acceptance of three ministries. The … 18–19. [57] Reforms, including the unsuccessful attempt to break up large holdings, failed to significantly improve the situation for rural workers. When did the Spanish Civil War happen? [31] Dámaso Berenguer was ordered by the king to form a replacement government, but his dictablanda dictatorship failed to provide a viable alternative. ALL THE KING’S MEN – Politics in Spain and the thrilling story of the death of General Franco, the development of democracy in Spain and the deadly Tejero crisis. [3] Open violence occurred in the streets of Spanish cities and militancy continued to increase right up until the start of the civil war, reflecting a movement towards radical upheaval rather than peaceful democratic means as a solution to Spain's problems. The background of the Spanish Civil War dates back to the end of the 19th century, when the owners of large estates, called latifundios, held most of the power in a land-based oligarchy.The landowners' power was unsuccessfully challenged by the industrial and merchant sectors. [72] The aims of the insurrection were vague,[72] and it quickly turned into a fiasco. [86] The Socialists stepped up their revolutionary rhetoric, hoping to force Zamora to call new elections. On the night of 17 July 1936, the Spanish army, inspired most of all by General Franco, started the Spanish Civil War by rebelling against the Second Republic. In The Name Of The Kaiser is an Age of History 2 mod which is 99% inspired from Kaiserreich, a mod about the world where the German Empire won the First World War for a game called Hearts of Iron 4, the reason i didn't name this mod Kaiserreich because of the Rules say no. The government, with the backing of CEDA, set about removing price controls, selling state favours and monopolies, and removing the land reforms—to the landowners' considerable advantage. The republicans were left to govern alone; Azaña led a minority government. It was respected for its discipline during strikes. [60] The first draft, prepared by Ángel Ossorio y Gallardo and others, was rejected, and a much more daring text creating a "democratic republic of workers of every class" was promulgated. A cornucopia of famous writers and artists covered the conflict. By Stanley Payne. Farm workers' wages were halved, and the military was purged of republican members and reformed. (which Beevor covers admirably) but, equally importantly, the seeds of the conflict were sown over the centuries, not decades or the few turbulent years prior to 17 July 1936. [118] Gil Robles once again prompted a cabinet collapse, and five positions in Lerroux's new government were conceded to CEDA, including one awarded to Gil Robles himself. [16] The UGT was constantly fearful of losing ground to the anarchists. [28] The UGT was brought into the government to set up industrial arbitration boards, though this move was opposed by some in the group and was seen as opportunism by anarchist leaders. This created growing malnourishment in the south of Spain. [58] By the end of 1931, King Alfonso, in exile, stopped attempting to prevent an armed insurrection of monarchists in Spain, and was tried and condemned to life imprisonment in absentia. Browse more videos. [8], In 1868 popular uprisings led to the overthrow of Queen Isabella II of the House of Bourbon. They staged large, popular rallies of what would become the Popular Front. They successfully created a sense of militancy on the streets to try to justify an authoritarian regime. 64-87; Douglas Little, Malevolent Neutrality: The United States, Great Britain, and the Origins of the Spanish Civil War (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985) pp. But now we have something worse: a police force which is grounded only on a general sense of panic and on the invention of non-existent dangers to cover up this over-stepping of the law. It was replaced by an RRP cabinet, again led by Lerroux, that included three members of the CEDA. The Spanish Civil War was as much political as a war fought on the battlefield. “The army conquered, then the Church integrated the new territories into the Castillian state.” The power of the Church was based on fear and culminated, as we know, in the creation of Inquisition by Isabella. [28] José Calvo Sotelo, his finance minister, was one person to withdraw support,[30] and de Rivera resigned in January 1930. 1. The Spanish Civil War (Spanish: Guerra Civil Española) was a civil war in Spain fought from 1936 to 1939. The landowners' power was challenged by the industrial and merchant sectors, largely unsuccessfully. [90][91], Lerroux resigned in April 1934, after President Zamora hesitated to sign an Amnesty Bill which let off the arrested members of the 1932 plot. There was little support for the monarchy in the major cities, and King Alfonso XIII abdicated; the Second Spanish Republic was formed, whose power would remain until the culmination of the Spanish Civil War. [51] Until the 20th century, the Catholic Church had proved an essential part of Spain's character, although it had internal problems. [94] Gil Robles' CEDA continued to mimic the German Nazi Party, staging a rally in March 1934, to shouts of "Jefe" ("Chief", after the Italian "Duce" used in support of Mussolini). 116–119; Haslam, The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security, pp. [43], Effective opposition was led by three groups. [96] The Socialist Landworkers' Federation (Spanish: Federación Nacional da Trabajadores de la Tierra, FNTT), a trade union founded in 1930, was effectively prevented from operating until 1936. A Popular Front alliance was organised, which won the 1936 elections. [137] This alarmed the middle classes. Book Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered. Produced by Simon Brown, published 29th March 2017. [35] Elections to a constituent Cortes in June 1931 returned a large majority of Republicans and Socialists, with the PSOE gaining 116 seats and Lerroux's Radical Party 94. The Spanish Civil War: A Very Short Introduction. The right won an overwhelming victory, with the CEDA and the Radicals together winning 219 seats. Support for fascism was minimal and did not increase, while civil liberties were restored in full by 1935, after which the revolutionaries had a generous opportunity to pursue power through electoral means. The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936: The Origins of the Spanish Civil War. Only a couple of days after the war started, the Nationalists took control of Toledo in the Siege of the Alcázar. Edited By Gordon Martel. [14] When the UGT moved their headquarters from Barcelona to Madrid in 1899, many industrial workers in Catalonia were no longer able to access it. On July 18, 1936, the Spanish Civil War begins as a revolt by right-wing Spanish military officers in Spanish Morocco … Here were the seeds of class conflict. When an initial military coup failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. In October 1936, in the hostilities of the Spanish Civil War, the nationalist General Emilio Mola and his supporters besieged Madrid with four columns of troops. [5] Anarchists were easily defeated in clashes with government forces. In the last months of 1934, two government collapses brought members of the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (CEDA) into the government, making it more right-wing. The force of the Church was waning and the monarchy resorted to implementing the centralist ideas of his Sun King grandfather “But ruthlessness did not solve the problem; it only stored up trouble for the future.”. 0 times. ", Orella Martínez|Mizerska-Wrotkowska, 2015, Orella Martínez & Mizerska-Wrotkowska (2015), Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right, Second Biennium of the Second Spanish Republic (in Spanish), "La quema de iglesias durante la Segunda República" 10 May 2012, "Perspectives on religious freedom in Spain",, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 January 2021, at 22:14. [115] Months of retaliation and repression followed; torture was used on political prisoners. Landowners were expropriated. London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Physical description 290 p. ; 24 cm. [64] However fearing the increasing popular opposition the Radical and Socialist majority postponed the regular elections, therefore prolonging their way in power for two more years. Thomas (1961). Numbering over a thousand pages, this weighty tome contains a reliable, accurate and impartial account that examines the full range of nuances with deft and style. The Church’s role in the Reconquista was vital – initially promoting and often participating in military action, moving to a more political role once the Moors had been expelled. The origins of the Spanish Civil War 01/06. [46] Members of the CNT willing to cooperate with the Republic were forced out, and it continued to oppose the government. Over the next days some hundred churches were burned all over Spain. There was little development of a bourgeois industrial or commercial class. [39] The redistribution of wealth supported by the new government seemed a threat to the richest, in light of the recent Wall Street Crash and the onset of the Great Depression. It only lasted a few months as the army imposed its will and in 1874 Alfonso XII was proclaimed King. [4][12], The most traditionalist sectors of the political sphere systematically tried to prevent liberal reforms and to sustain the patrilineal monarchy. M&Ms were inspired by rations given to soldiers during the Spanish Civil War. Social Conflict and Political Polarization in Spain: The Origins of the Spanish Civil War. However, the Civil War in Spain was also notorious for being incredibly ‘messy’ politically – so much so that understanding what was happening can be extremely difficult. Poverty in some areas was great and mass emigration to the New World occurred in the first decade of the century.[15]. [60][63] The controversial articles 26 and 27 of the constitution strictly controlled Church property and prohibited religious orders from engaging in education. Follow. Causes of the Spanish Civil War: Summary and suggested linkage: A summary diagram for revision purposes. the wars in northern Europe, the fight against the French in Italy and destruction of the Armada..”  presaged the decline of “imperial power, developed in less than two generations.”, In short no lessons were learnt and the Catholic Church’s unbending conservative orthodoxy and disdain for trade “made the Castilian ruling class introverted.”. The PSOE split, with the more left-wing members founding the Communist Party in 1921. – “The genesis of these three strains of conflict lay in the way the Reconquista of Spain from the Moors had shaped the social structure of the country and the attitudes of the Castilian conquerors.”. This paper will examine the background events leading up to the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s. This two-part tour looks at the history of trade unionism in Spain and in particular the city of Barcelona, which in the pre-war 1930s had the reputation of being the most unionised city in Europe. When reading this document, you must formulate an answer to the following statement: Describe the extent of your country/countries’ involvement in the Spanish Civil War. [85] Radicals became more aggressive and conservatives turned to paramilitary and vigilante actions. [68] Commentator Stanley Payne has argued that "the Republic as a democratic constitutional regime was doomed from the outset", because the far left considered any moderation of the anticlerical aspects of the constitution as totally unacceptable. Moors entered Spain in 711 and left ( reluctantly ) hundreds of years later ) of War! 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Underpaid or Overpaid. Strange Contracts in the NHL.