
slotted aloha probability problems

( Log Out /  Each node attempts to transmit in each slot with probability p. The first slot is numbered slot 1, the second is slot 2, and so on. a. c). What will switch S1 do once it receives an ARP response message from Host B? which can adjust the transmission speed according to the congestion situation. How many slots, n, on average, should pass before getting an empty slot? a. Versions of Aloha Protocol- Pure Aloha and Slotted Aloha. Unlike in the regular ALOHA protocol, where other nodes can send messages that interfere with ours at any time, in the Slotted ALOHA protocol, the only other time a message can be sent to interfere with ours is if it's sent at the exact time ours is sent (since in Slotted ALOHA messages can only be sent at specific intervals, like every 5 seconds for example) In the Ethernet frame containing the IP datagram, what are the source and destination IP and MAC addresses? The Bayesian estimation is introduced to improve the accuracy of the estimation algorithm for lacking a large number of observations in one query. In addition, Hub does not store packet while Switch does. Aloha Throughput Probability that k frames are generated within the unit of time t Probability that no traffic is generated within 2t Aloha throughput: Arrival rate times success probability 7 > @ > !, 1! Comparison of Pure Aloha and Slotted Aloha shown on Throughput vs. Traffic Load plot. Create a free website or blog at 0 0�xy endstream endobj 365 0 obj <>stream Find the probability that a station in a pure Aloha network can successfully send a frame during the vulnerable time. A variation of conventional Aloha, known as channel-aware Aloha, is introduced in [12] to exploit multiuser diversity for medium access. ( Log Out /  Problem . Thus, A will broadcast an ARP request message. Ą�iܳĝ*ѴJ;��=�݁*$��ϿS������&T�L��q{�eY�k�ё�/]O�&��, It goes to switch S1 and B reports MAC address to S1. In the previous problem, we found the probability of success for a station to send a frame successfully during the vulnerable time. Why? 1, Fig. In a slotted Aloha MAC protocol using binary exponential backoff, the probability of transmission will always eventually converge to some value p, and all nodes will eventually transmit with probability p. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Will E perform an ARP query to find B’s MAC address? C.) What is the probability that the first success occurs in slot 3? Slotted Aloha • let g(n) be the attempt rate (the expected number of packets transmitted in a slot) in state n g(n) = λ + nq r • The number of attempted packets per slot in state n is approximately a Poisson random variable of mean g(n) – P (m attempts) = g(n)me-g(n)/m! 2 provide the total throughput and optimal retransmission probabilities q r for m=2, m=10 and m=50 for the team problem, as a function of the arrival probability q a.We see that in heavy traffic, the throughput decreases when the number of mobiles increases. 1 Introduction We consider the problem of characterizing the average delay in bu ered slotted ALOHA based random access systems with capture. Slotted Aloha). Suppose that both nodes are backlogged, and at slot n, the probabilities the two nodes transmit packets are p_1 = 0.5 and p_2 = 0.3. In the team problem we note that the optimal retransmission probability decreases when increasing arrival probability … What actions will switch S1 perform once it receives the ARP request message? To avoid this problem, we modify the traditional slotted ALOHA protocol such that all station will always transmit/retransmit its (new or old) packet with probability p. For simplicity, we call p the retransmission probability. What is the throughput, i.e., the probability that a successful transmission occurs during a slot (one packet is transmitted)? E sending an IP datagram to B, will not be in the ARP table, it’s in a different subnet on the opposite of the router. Slotted ALOHA always back-off with the same probability no matter how congested the network is. Once Host B receives this ARP request message, it will send back to Host A an ARP responce message. Find the value of p that maximizes this expression. 2: Time: In Pure Aloha, time is continous and is not globally syncronized. Hint: (1-1/N)^N approaches 1/e as N approaches infinity. Pure aloha doesn’t reduces the number of collisions to half. Suppose that two nodes are seeking access to a shared medium using slotted Aloha with binary exponential backoff subject to maximum and minimum limits of the probability pmax = 0.8 and pmin = 0.1. This is just a geometric distribution. What is the probability that some node (either A,B,C or D) succeeds in slot 4? One of the drawbacks of a small packet size is that a large fraction of link bandwidth is consumed by overhead bytes. Slotted ALOHA • Divide time into slots of duration 1, synchronize so that nodes transmit onlyin a slot –Each of Nnodes transmits with probability pin each slot –So aggregate transmission rate λ = N p • As before, if there is exactly one transmission in a slot, can receive; if two or more in a slot, no one can receive (collision) 32 Time Node 3 P = (1-(1/n))^n-1   ->  1/e. Viswanath et al. h�bbd``b`�=@�i�`�,� ���1KĪ��@JtA�@��Q�ʀ$�AD��A� �MW2012��10RD�g��` �O endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 400 0 obj <>stream If so, will R1 forward the message to Subnet 3? What is the probability that a slot is empty? Suppose the source is encoded at a constant rate of 128 kbps. {:B�y�v�tzr���[ Suppose you have a network which uses time division multiplexing (i.e. The probability that some node succeeds in slot 4 is [Px(1-P)(1-P)(1-P)]. Broadcasts out an ARP who’s message for IP address of B, that is part of subnet 1. In a slotted Aloha MAC protocol using binary exponential backoff, the probability of transmission will always eventually converge to some value p, and all nodes will eventually transmit with probability p. False - In a binary exponential backoff, the probability of transmission constantly changes. no collisions) is N p ( 1 − p) N − 1. Both hosts E and F are in the identical subnet, Host E is able to forward the datagram directly to Host F. But will it send an ARP query message to ask for A’s MAC address? 1500×8/622x1000x1000 = .02 ms. 50×8/622x1000x1000 = .64 ms or .0064 milliseconds. In contrast to slotted aloha, each new arrival packet is first transmitted at a probability p a and retransmitted later, if needed, with probability q r . C) Suppose Host A would like to send an IP datagram to Host B, and neither A’s ARP cache contains B’s MAC address nor does B’s ARP cache contain A’s MAC address. {�> F��}MqC�sX�]Q�$��8ۜ��nY���λ&JZ>]ew@\���証����I$b�-������l��� c��#{�}��! A.) Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 1 3, around 0. – P (idle) = probability … B) Packetization delays greater than 20 msec can cause a noticeable and unpleasant echo. %PDF-1.5 %���� But our book then says that the probability there is success in a slot (i.e. The objective of the ALOHA protocol is to determine what competing channel must find the next chance of accessing the multi-access station at the MAC layer. (L /128×1024)x1000. P = (1- (1/n))^n-1. 100% because everything fails in slot 1 and slot 2. H�t��N�0�y��C�C;4�X�H�. b. Slotted ALOHA Pros single active node can continuously transmit at full rate of channel highly decentralized: only slots in nodes need to be in sync simple Cons collisions, wasting slots idle slots nodes may be able to detect collision in less than time to transmit packet DataLink Layer 5 Slotted Aloha efficiency limit of Nq*(1-q*)N nodes with many To this end, suppose that the packet consists of P bytes and 5 bytes of header. There are N nodes each transmitting in a given slot with probability p. I understand that the probability a node is successful in a slot is p ( 1 − p) N − 1. !o_פ{������3|�}vd3�}����%1�)j���X�cu��j�N��_SF���AJ�EL9^��h�^�)����l�����_�`�4c��so�SgtHD���M�lU�)������ �[H� ��4FE#2�-ȷ��!�maNÃ��>3ڌϓ/y�c�[�SS�9,����LA9�=� 4xP(1-P)^3. ��d�Nj�m��ޞ燪�vMm�v�r��[��[��p��C��q��s�~RM����z=&�_l�jk����R�tl�5���:�6�HZ�ea�������cͱ��W4��wQ�J ��@��H҉Bh�X �԰��nT�`9��d ���@Pڱ� V,Xa,�%cp8� Determine the packetization delay for L=1,500 bytes (roughly corresponding to a maximum-sized ethernet packet) and for L = 50 (corresponding to an ATM packet) Source IP:     Destination IP:     Source MAC: 88-88-88-88-88-88     Destination MAC: 77-77-77-77-77-77. The probability that node A succeeds for the first time in slot 5 is Px(1-P)^3, B.) Problem 8) In Section 5.3, we provided an outline of the derivation of the efficiency of slotted ALOHA. The time required to fill a packet is the packetization delay. A) Consider heading a digitally encoded voice source directly. Further suppose that the switch S1’s forwarding table contains entries for Host B and router R1 only. Hence, for any pair of consecutive frame-times, the probability of there being k transmission-attempts during those … h��Vmo�8�+�xÐ�ŒlC��[���nhz�E?��1��A�a��?��_ꋛ�v0Ѥ(���lj����������ņE�`RD0J&-��IpEiĔ�0j&�'J L�h�L)��3��%a*��@),����GY�����/n�T,�=Y0��@�#>X4Q�qqB�������6[U�3&��0��Θx'�|�8���sVg������%_>l��`�W�l�X�G\S�X��E^��8,��}���޺�+殢c�L�6a��AXbZ5��׮�\��hg�1c�4�V��2�2�?gAU����j\������!��i�!��/�eu��p��&�7���H��$���J&އB>�٣|�.f��\�k4��f��,V�Y��.%3 b�Q(�}�%AGi�a,��o|)���h��!�.�"��ۚ��=�Qw�c�L(����S��ѐ���‰6��,� �����c�c�����` Problem 1: A large population of users accessing a common medium using slotted ALOHA generates traffic at a rate of A 50requests/sec, including both original transmission requests and retransmissions. Will router R1 also receive this ARP request message? P = (1-(1/n))^n-1, B.) Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems by Prof.Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. Why? Store-and-forward delay, too is less when small packet size is used. Problem 8) In Section 5.3, we provided an outline of the derivation of the efficiency of slotted ALOHA. Chapter 5 Problems. Find the value of p that maximizes this expression. Slotted Aloha can utilize the channel up to nearly 1/e ≈ 37%. In Pure Aloha, any station can transmit data at any time. Source IP:     Destination IP:      Source MAC: 88-88-88-88-88-88     Destination MAC: 99-99-99-99-99-99, B) Suppose E would like to send an IP datagram to B, and assume that E’s ARP cache does not contain B’s MAC address. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A  sending an IP datagram to B, broadcast ARP mesage has no entry for B MAC. A slotted Aloha network is working with maximum throughput. Probabilistic framed slotted ALOHA protocol deals with the tag set cardinality estimation problem using a fixed frame size i.e., \(L_r=L\), which might be smaller than the total number of tags. Time is slotted in units of 40 msec on the first attempt? If the a In Slotted Aloha, any station can transmit data only at beginning of any time slot. b. The Slotted ALOHA is somewhat better than the Pure ALOHA. In this problem we’ll complete the derivation. Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA are the Random Access Protocols, that have implemented on the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer, a sublayer of Data Link Layer. Recall that when there are N active nodes, the efficiency of slotted ALOHA is Np (1-p)^N-1. In this problem we’ll complete the derivation. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Note that the vulnerable time for this network is equal to the frame transmission time (T fr). (50×8/128×1000)x1000 is the ATM. In terms of L, determine the packetization delay in milliseconds. Hub connects all LAN segments into one large Ethernet collision domain; Switch isolates LAN segments. ( Log Out /  Assume each node has an infinite number of packets to send. In case of slotted ALOHA, the vulnerable time period for collision between two frames is equal to time duration of 1 slot, which is equal to 1 frame time, i.e. Slotted Aloha is a variation of "Pure" Aloha intended to improve performance by reducing the length of the window in time during which stations that start transmissions will collide. Router 1 won’t recieve an ARP request, because S1 has it. Fig. What is the probability that node A succeeds for the first time in slot 5? D.) What is the efficiency of this four-node system? � Given system parameters — the packet delay D, the number of stations N, and the retransmission probability p, we define In pure aloha, Maximum efficiency = 18.4%: In slotted aloha, Maximum efficiency = 36.8%; 6. Numerically, when traffic is high, slotted aloha mobiles retransmit with probability around 0. Assume each packet is entirely filled before the source sends the packet into the network. As the probability of collision is less in Slotted ALOHA as compared to Pure ALOHA because the station waits for the next time slot to begin which let the frame in a previous time slot to pass and avoids the collision between the frames. Pure Aloha in networking allows the stations to transmit the data at anytime. This paper proposes an advanced dynamic framed-slotted ALOHA algorithm based on Bayesian estimation and probability response (BE-PDFSA) to improve the performance of radio frequency identification (RFID) system. DG���x�x��o��xTj[ro��bٶ�� ���D8S��0Q��p �ݻ��`�(�/M����������0�K�!��. Using the value of p found in (A. Aloha in computer networks is an access control protocol. The average amount of transmission-attempts for 2 consecutive frame-times is 2 G . h�b```�VNG``��0p,``d`ar��Y����/�_�ɌF���ft��j�(o6�������d"����`։yA��@B"L��f?�l$�~$��ɼ��Q�����+:�Ҁ�31��PblV�Rb`ڨ�ŀXl�9� c=�w�/��L���\���1I1�2�0>ex�����/3P����� nVc`:2����X��i�>�*yM��U�� ��=� endstream endobj 362 0 obj <>/Metadata 39 0 R/PageLabels 357 0 R/Pages 359 0 R/StructTreeRoot 65 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 363 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 364 0 obj <>stream In Slotted Aloha, Probability of successful transmission of data packet = G x e-G; 5. Store-and-forward delay is small for both cases of typical ATM link speeds. In [7], the problem of scheduling transmissions for the downlink of a multiple antenna cellular system is considered. 1 9 for schemes 1–3 at average and heavy load. Why? Now we replace the router between subnets 1 and 2 with a switch S1, and label the router between subnets 2 and 3 as R1. The ordinary slotted Aloha has maximum stable throughput 0 When estimate of backlog is perfect and G(n) = 1, idles occur with probability 1/e ≈ 0.368, success occur with probability 1/e, and collisions occur with probability 1−2/e ≈ 0.264, thus the rule for changing qr should allow fewer collisions than idles Information Networks – p. 7 Using the value of p determined above, find the throughput of slotted Aloha by letting N approach infinity. A) Consider sending an IP datagram from Host E to Host F. Will Host E ask router R1 to help forward the datagram? Difference between Pure Aloha and Slotted Aloha. 1 for scheme 4, and around 0. We also nd that when the capture probability crosses a threshold, the optimal retransmission probability is one for all stabilizable rates. 3: Vulnerable time: Vulnerable time = 2 x Tt. In Slotted Aloha, time is discrete and is globally syncronized. Find the value of p that maximizes the channel throughput. C) Calculate the store-and-forward delay at a single switch for a link rate of R=622 Mbps for L= 1,500 bytes, and for L = 50 bytes. 361 0 obj <> endobj 385 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<0412152666BC478EBD9CD3283C9778D5>]/Index[361 40]/Info 360 0 R/Length 103/Prev 134563/Root 362 0 R/Size 401/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream In the Ethernet frame (containing the IP datagram destined to B) this is delivered to router R1, what are the source and destination IP and MAC address? Recall that when there are N active nodes, the efficiency of slotted ALOHA is Np(1-p)^N-1. Problem 15) Consider Figure 5.33. show that from an information theoretic point of view, a good strategy for the base station is to em-ploy \dumb" antennas (in the sense of not doing any signal Find the probability that a slotted Aloha network generates x number of frames during the vulnerable time. Change ). Slotted Aloha Protocol allows the stations to transmit data only at the beginning of the time slot. b. for which the optimal retransmission probability is one. H�t��j!����J�ͥdM/{H�i�Fg!��. Slotted aloha reduces the number of collisions to half and doubles the efficiency of pure aloha. SA is a well known random access scheme where the time of the channel is divided into identical slots of duration equal to the packet transmission time and the users contend to access the server with a predefined slot-access probability. �:;���z�������u�"ӕO �O�l�����6��n�7KT�tX�6����U��mG���#5؇�~X^K�҈����%�gg�4;7��Q�f��E1ʊ�?�(v2�����Ņb�C|���}c�������d ��Q�Z��x�Gdd_�$#ۿ�E�E�|�E�x��?���V�@�Z�;|� "��30C�@�cjxW�����>�6����ٴ�kq�&=�4�PJE8�^�C���D���X����I8�Y�����I@���3��g�����*�x����phg�d�������`�� VvoQ endstream endobj 366 0 obj <>stream ( Log Out /  Find the probability that a station in a slotted Aloha network can success-fully send a frame during the vulnerable time. P12-2. And if it did, it would not forward it to subnet 3. D) Comment on the advantages of using a small packet size. Hint: (1-1/N)^N approaches 1/e as N approaches infinity a blog about my adventure for my computer science degree. A.) (1500 x 8/128×1000)x1000 is the packetization delay. Problem 11) Suppose four active nodes–nodes A,B,C and D are competing for access to a channel using slotted ALOHA. performance, such as Slotted Aloha (SA) [16] and Frame Slotted Aloha (FSA) [12]. P12-6. slotted ALOHA with retransmission probability one. Carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA) strategies More sophisticated versions of Aloha, called coded slotted Aloha, which rely on the joint detection principle from Section 12.3, are able to reclaim much of this loss [46]. � +�܇��ᜃJW ��}÷�&. Problem 27) In this problem, we explore the use of small packets for Voice-over-IP applications. .In time, average number of transmission attempts is G. The probability that 0 frames are initiated in the vulnerable time period will be− $$ P(0) = e^{-G} $$ ), find the efficiency of slotted ALOHA by letting N approach infinity. B.) A.) 1/E ≈ 37 % S1 do once it receives an ARP responce message that some node ( either a B. Isolates LAN segments into one large Ethernet collision domain ; switch isolates segments... Do once it receives an ARP request message, it will send back to Host an! That maximizes this expression a multiple antenna cellular system is considered node has an infinite of... Science and Engineering, IIT Madras a large fraction of link bandwidth consumed... To half and Engineering, IIT Madras to switch S1 ’ s forwarding contains!, a will broadcast an ARP request message using a small packet size is that a station a. The congestion situation of success for a station to send a frame during... Comparison of pure Aloha network is working with Maximum throughput response message from Host E to Host will. 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