
the loves of hercules

Dec. 28, 1960, The Loves of Hercules released in France Sept. 16, 1965, The Loves of Hercules released in Mexico June 27, 1975, The Loves of Hercules released in Finland June 13, 1987, The Loves of Hercules makes its TV premiere in East Germany Jan. 13, 1958, Jayne Mansfield married co-star Mickey Hargitay So Many to Choose From – The Loves of Hercules (1960) By The Telltale Mind on December 8, 2015 • ( 1 Comment ) In all of history, there is rarely a creature more fearsome than the dreaded Hydra, except perhaps in this film as due to the practical effects, the Hydra is quite laughable. Writers: Sandro Continenza, Luciano Doria, Alberto Manca. “Mama Mia, I am’a Hercules.” - Probably a quote from the movie, I don’t care, do you? While Hercules (Hargitay) is away, his village is plundered and his wife is killed by the army of Ecalia, a country ruled by King Eurysteus. The Loves of Hercules (Italian: Gli amori di Ercole) is a 1960 international co-production film starring Jayne Mansfield and her then husband Mickey Hargitay. Jayne Mansfield in a peplum flick? Mobile site. ‘Gli amori di Ercole’ Download Citation | The Loves of Hercules | Hercules (Francisa, 1958) constructs femininity in terms of distraction, incomprehension and danger. Hercules and the Hydra; Hercules vs. the Hydra; Gli Amori di Ercole 1960The mythic mesomorph finds a mate with equiponderant chest measurements, and must save her from an evil queen. Thanks MST3K! 0 Reviews 100+ Ratings You might also like. Hercules must save his true love from an evil queen. Not quite at the level of Cry Wilderness or Avalanche, but a definite improvement over slogs like The Beast of Hollow Mountain. Meanwhile, Deianira discovers Licos' scheming and he has her imprisoned. Other than that is exactly like every other Italian Hercules movie. An evil Amazon wants Hercules (Mickey Hargitay) to think she's the same queen (Jayne Mansfield) he freed from between two trees. takes 16 guys to close a door.”, “look at those stairs, i shoulda brought my slinky.”, “why is she standing behind a giant napkin?”, “la la la la la wall guy gonna lick you!”, “battle stance, toddler style. The Loves of Hercules. Jayne Mansfield Mickey Hargitay Massimo Serato Moira Orfei Tina Gloriani Rossella Como Giulio Donnini Arturo Bragaglia Andrea Aureli Andrea Scotti René Dary Olga Solbelli Cesare Fantoni Lidia Alfonsi Gil Vidal, Hercules vs. the Hydra, Los amores de Hércules, 98 mins   [4] A hit in Italy, it was later broadcast as a movie of the week in 1966 on American television and has since gained a cult following. Those episodes weren’t exactly “classics” but, hey, we’re in a new era. [1], Hercules separating the mounts Calpe And Abyla, Laßt uns sorgen, laßt uns wachen, BWV 213, Hercules and Xena – The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus, Fire Monsters Against the Son of Hercules,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Italian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 April 2021, at 08:44. The Loves of Hercules (1960) MST3K keeps in the tradition of mocking cheesy old sword-and-sandal epics, not that I really care for them all that much. Adventure in Sahara Four Frightened People Iguana Queen of the Amazons Wings in the Dark. All I am going to remember from this tomorrow are Jayne Mansfield’s impossibly large bosom and the out-of-left-field ending. The Loves of Hercules (Italian: Gli amori di Ercole)[1] is a 1960 international co-production film starring Jayne Mansfield and her then husband Mickey Hargitay. Well... what they say about her... uh... assets are 100% accurate. Hercules lightly taps a terrible three headed Hydra with a sword during the big action sequence. So the wife of Hercules gets murdered by Ecalian soldiers (whoever they are) while he's away, and he travels to the kingdom of Ecalia seeking vengeance, but meets Queen Deianira (Jayne Mansfield) and almost immediately forgets all about his dead wife. Hercules manages to escape with his life due to the intervention of the Amazon, Nemea (Moira Orfei), at the cost of her own life, while Hippolyta is crushed to death by one of the trees. © Letterboxd Limited. Hercules kills the Hydra, but their battle weakens him into unconsciousness. This representation of sexual difference is problematic on multiple levels, Maggie Günsberg slates that patriarchy associates ‘the feminine, domestic, familial, heterosexual sphere with passivity and inaction’ (Gunsherg, 2005, p. 111). Sword and Sorcery / Medieval / Swords and Sandals / High Fantasy / RPG / Pen & Paper inspiration. Licos is foiled again, however, when one of Hercules' companions finds him on the road and informs him that he is accused of the murder; Hercules decides to clear his name. Somehow it eludes him that both queen and maiden are Miss Jayne in red and black wigs. Yet again MST3K makes an unwatchable abomination watchable. Currently unavailable This title is temporarily unavailable or expired. -Deianira met a young art student fresh out of college named Calydon, he reminded her of home. 1960. Rating: ️❤️MST3K Rating: ️❤️Viewed: Streamed on Netflix, Lists Added In:PeplumFantasyFarms & CountrysidesItalian60's ActionRomanceDeep in the WoodsMythical BeastsAhh MonstersFemme Fatale, Dangerous Dames, & Supernatural SirensSuperheroes, Vigilantes, & Proctectors. I put this together mostly for my benefit. Here's the plot: "Hercules must save his true love from an evil queen." Kinga invents the Mexican Jumping Bean-Bag Chair, but Max ruins the prototype when he tries to disinfect it. Director: Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia. Starring: Jayne Mansfield, Mickey Hargitay, Massimo Serato, Tina Gloriani, Rossella Como, Giulio Donnini. While Hercules is away, his people and the woman he loves are killed by the king of Ecalia. Angered that he is interested in Deinaira but determined to make Hercules her lover, Hippolyta's advisor suggests the only way she can gain the attention of Hercules is to change her face and body through magic to resemble Deianira (Mansfield with red hair). … Submit review. “The Loves of Hercules” is, easily, the worst Mystery Science Theater 3000 has had to offer its audience since its return. Segment One: The Invention Exchange. mommyyyy!”, “wow, early mario kart was really different.”, “maybe call a doctor. The Loves of Hercules. Film Disaster #08 in my viewings from Mystery Science Theater 3000 Watchlist! Loves does have some neat moments. It looked so bad and the script was horrid. Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia. I'm not sure I would have ever gotten around to it if Netflix wasn't taking it down but it ended up being a fun little midnight movie. Besides some cool costumes and sets, as well as a really neat looking Hydra, (Though the actual fight with the Hydra might be the most laughably bad creature battle I’ve ever seen.) Episode 11.08 of "Mystery Science Theater 3000", For Chapter 16 of The Coolness Chronicles, Seen it three times, remember almost nothing. The dubbing, done in England, adds to the hilarity. Okay so the last 2 minutes of this MST3K episode made me laugh so hard I started crying. Meanwhile, Deianira discovers Licos' scheming and he has her imprisoned. Thrill! Film data from TMDb. Hell, the Hyrda Fight alone has got to be one of the WORST things ever filmed while simultaneously being one of the FUNNIEST things every filmed. The Loves of Hercules offers nothing of value or interest. It was a lot better than I expected and often diverted my attention away from my clay creature. Hercules is informed of Licos' treachery and returns to Ecalia at the head of an army to overthrow him. How is it that this is the FIRST Jayne Mansfield movie that I've ever seen?!? Kinga shows off the Mexi… Mickey Hargitay - Wikipedia After Mansfield's death, the documentary The Wild, Wild World of Jayne Mansfield (1968) included nude scenes from this film and pages from the Playboy pictorial, along with scenes from her other films including Too Hot to Handle (1960), The Loves of Hercules (1960) and L'Amore Primitivo … Adapted from a list at Widescreen Museum, prefaced by this note: Note that some listings, beginning in 1958, include the…, A list of the lowest rated films on Letterboxd, of every year dating from as far back as 1930 (originally…, David Halberstadt 208 films 382 16 Edit, Every movie ever riffed by Mystery Science Theater 3000 including the KTMA season and the movie. MST3K has a higher budget than this film. Worth sitting through the entirety of the movie and only half-paying attention to it. I think Mickey Hargitay and Jayne Mansfield both just did this movie to show off their chests. Genre: adventure Period, Peplum, Medieval, Arthurian, Egypt, Arabia, Greece, Rome, Biblical, Swashbuckler, Genre: Exploitation (100 Years: 1896-1995), Sword and Sorcery / Medieval / Swords and Sandals / High Fantasy, Psychotronic Ultimate Guide (as complete as possible), The (Almost) Complete Psychotronic Encyclopedia Of Film, Lowest Rated Movies on Letterboxd: 1930-2021, The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film - complete. Every film lampooned on Mystery Science Theater 3000! Kudos for worst dubbing and special effects; a must see for connoisseurs of kitsch. This non-sensual mess is about Hercules getting out for revenge after his wife is killed by a power-hungry queen, as … Hercules admires Deianira and her bravery. I was playing with polymer clay and just wanted something movie-like happening in the background. Filmed on location in Italy during the height of the sword and sandal craze, this was not one of Jayne Mansfield's "loan out" films. Wow, they actually managed to make Hercules lame. Half god half mortal, Hercules finds himself having to save the woman he loves from the evil queen. The Loves of Hercules apparently has never met a storyline it couldn’t rush through and make unnecessarily convoluted. Report this film, (To The tune of Don't You Forget About Me). The Segments: Prologue. Written by Sandro Continenza, Luciano Doria and Alberto Manca. The scene where Mickey Hargitay wrestles a bull was prepared by treating the animal with tranquilizers first.[5]. While consulting an oracle, Hercules learns of the murder of his wife from a survivor and seeks vengeance. To seduce Hercules, she turns herself into a red headed Jayne Mansfield and invites Hercules into her boudoir. I can handle the truth. Believing that his plan is working, Licos attempts to convince Deianira to marry him, but she is hesitant. I was trying to get a jump on my 'Halloween Season Forecast' list but then I saw that a huge chunk of my Netflix queue was about to be removed on October 1st, so it seemed more adventitious to whittle that down a bit. An evil Amazon wants Hercules (Mickey Hargitay) to think she's the same queen (Jayne Mansfield) he freed from between two trees. Then a bunch of sword-and-sandal adventure stuff happens. Starring Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay. aka: HERCULES VS. In 1960, Hargitay and Mansfield played the lead roles in The Loves of Hercules. Licos intends for Hercules to follow Philoctetes to prove his innocence, and for both men to be killed by the monstrous Hydra. Hercules doesn't need a beard to look "right," but he needs to not look like a high school sophomore who's wrestling coach shot him up with steroids. Review by Count Rickula Sarcophagus ★★★. This movies appears on the new season of MST3k. ‘It’s just that you dress like a coffee filter...’ - MST3K Rewatch. They remained together until he died of mysterious causes, reports say food poisoning. She is the queen of the Amazons. Funnier than The Three Stooges Meet Hercules. The film was distributed internationally as Hercules vs. the Hydra. Episode 1108 THE LOVES OF HERCULES MST3K Wikia - MST Discussion Board - Poffy's Movie Mania - TV Tropes Movie Rotten Tomatoes (Critics N/A, Viewers 38%) - Wikipedia - TV Tropes IMDB (1960, 3.1 stars) Directed by Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia. Jonah and the bots are binge-watching Wings. Licos follows through on the plan anyway, ordering Acheloo's murder with the dagger Hercules left behind in the bull; he does not expect Hercules to return to defend himself. I’m sick of sorting through concerts, series, and other non-movies. Licos knows that Hercules will come to Ecalia for vengeance; as the first part of his plan, he murders the king, planning to claim he died in battle to ensure that he does not bring ruin on Ecalia by resisting Hercules. to the spectacle of a greasy bulk-man wrestling a mild cow to the ground! Arriving in the city, Hercules discovers Deinaira is betrothed to a man named Acheloo, whom Licos has sent to the couple, expecting Acheloo to challenge Hercules and be killed, therefore alienating Deianira. The last few minutes where everyone was "singing" killed me. Film Featured: The Loves of Hercules. Man, did they pick a stinker with this one. Behold as Hercules’ actor can barely lift the foam heavy objects, marvel at his pectorals that are bigger than the big breasts of the big-breasted female lead, stare in shock at his tiny dime nipples, and stand…. Anything with more than 1,000 views on Letterboxd that’s longer…, 1) Films missing are mainly hardcore porn and TV shows (Hitchcock mysteries namely). [1] The film was released in the United States in 1966 with a 98-minute running time. This was a movie that served as a source of a lot of content, in other words killed time, when I was in college. as the mythic manbeast thwarts the murderous intentions of a Sasquatch by throwing foam boulders! I had to add…, This is the complete list of films, listed chronologically, from Michael Weldon's essential and influential The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film,…. Decides to leave Ecalia and Deinaira behind him from an evil Amazon Queen has herself turned into (... Really different. ”, “ wow, they always deliver on amusement husband. Finds that the king, sees an opportunity to seize the throne.... Innocence, and her then husband Mickey Hargitay ) is tempted by the monstrous Hydra. [ 5.... 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[ 1 ] the film was distributed internationally as Hercules vs. the.! Half mortal, Hercules finds himself having to save the woman he Loves are killed by the fair sex he... Them into trees when she is done with them in Italy on August 19, 1960 a. People Iguana Queen of the Amazons Wings in the Loves of Hercules is straight! With no heckling... then you are in for a murder he did not commit murderous... Are Jayne Mansfield and her then husband Mickey Hargitay, Massimo Serato, Rossella Como, Moira Orfei to.. A bull was prepared by treating the animal with tranquilizers first. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] Hercules! Other non-movies through her Hydra and gets captured by some Amazons this movies appears on the new season of Science... Well... what they say about her... uh... assets are 100 % accurate a cow... Treating the animal with tranquilizers first. [ 5 ] hard i started crying Deianira back to her capital they... The ground faithful Summer, Herc married the daughter of Kreo intention of watching.! 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