
why eating meat is bad for your body

Some red meats are high in saturated fat, which raises bloodcholesterol. 8 Reasons Meat Is Bad For You 1. Eating spoiled meat whether in a raw state or cooked form can lead to food poisoning. Non-vegetarian food can seriously dampen your spiritual intellect since it intoxicates your spiritual awareness. Alas it’s not only the meat from animals that are potentially making us ill but also the dairy products that come from them. That said, if you are looking to maintain a lower BMI for your health, it is worth knowing that meat-eaters are three times more likely to be obese than vegetarians, and nine times more likely than vegans. Processed soy is particularly bad. Decades of scientific study have linked dietary cholesterol to cardiovascular disease — our country’s number-one cause of death, killing nearly 2,200 Americans daily. While cutting back on your meat consumption in any form is a great step to take, the fact remains that eating any meat — hormone-free or not — poses several serious long-term risks to your health. The saturated fat and cholesterol in beef, pork, dairy foods, poultry, and eggs cause over 100,000 fatal heart attacks annually worldwide. It also helps normalize the work of our body. Fifteen years ago the Department of Health linked eating red and processed meat to certain types of cancer. Although protein is crucial for health, including muscle building and repair, people tend to think they need more than they actually do. "When you eat red meat, you are unnecessarily exposing your body to carcinogens, your blood flow is being compromised, oxidative stress and inflammatory markers are rising, and you are eating a food that provides no sustenance for your microbiome," Fuhrman told HuffPost. Meat is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals in your diet. Factory farms are breeding grounds for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, known as “supergerms.” On farms across America, the antibiotics that we depend on to treat human illnesses are now used to promote growth in animals and to keep them alive in horrific living conditions that would otherwise kill them. Saturated fat is present in all meat and fish, even chicken and turkey cooked without the skin. Humans are naturally psychic beings, but eating meat drastically lowers your spiritual potential, and leaves you in a low vibration state. According to a study of over 70,000 people published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, vegetarians were 12 percent less likely to have died during a six-year followup period than their meat-eating peers. He says: “Switching from red meat to white meat likely wouldn’t make any difference [to cholesterol]. "The evidence is consistent across different studies," he says. Vegetarian women live to an average of 85.7 years, which is 6.1 years longer than non-vegetarian women, according to the Adventist Health Study-2. Most of us, of course, eat far more than this recommended amount, even though evidence continues to grow linking red and processed meat to a range of other diseases too, such as coronary heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It's a changeover from eating meat to a vegetable diet that switches "good" genes. The sex hormones progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen are all naturally occurring in animals, whether they've been given artificial hormones or not — so when you eat those animals, you're also eating hormones. Although in small quantities of under 70 grams (2.5 ounces) / day, red meat is not as harmful to your health, consumption of pork is associated with a … It's worth knowing exactly what the health risks of eating meat are, so that you can make an informed decision for yourself about how much of a risk you feel it's necessary to take by continuing to consume animals. Vegetarians enjoy lower levels of blood cholesterol, less obesity, less hypertension, and fewer other problems than people whose diet includes meat. Numerous physicians and nutritionists agree that the best way to prevent artery blockage as well as multiple other conditions that cause impotence is to eat a diet high in fiber, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Well, not so much. Saturated fat has even been linked to breast cancer, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline. Here are eight reasons eating meat is bad for you. We have been told that animal flesh is an essential part of a healthy diet, but meat consumption has been associated with almost all the major diseases. Eating Meat is Bad. As I said earlier, there is a lot of research supporting the argument that meat is bad for your health. Case in point: Eating just 50 grams of processed meat every day — about four slices of bacon or one hot dog — can increase your relative risk of colorectal cancer by as much as 18%. Foodborne diseases, such as E. Coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter, cause an estimated 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. It Increases Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Diabetes This is the reason Bill Clinton went vegan. Most of us saw the story last year when the World Health Organization declared processed meat a "carcinogen" which increases one's risk of colon or rectum cancer by 18 percent. Read on to know the benefits of eating meat. This then is then fed to the livestock you will one day potentially eat. There is a great amount of evidence warning us of the health risks of eating meat, so today I want to look at why meat is bad for your health. Any fatty substance that is solid, like the white bits in bacon, sausages and ham, butter, cheese and lard clog up the arteries and cause obesity and heart failure. Meat and cancer. This is caused by the fact that the average protein intake from animal sources in the United States is 70 percent while In China it is only 7 percent. increases your risk of colon or rectum cancer, increases one's risk of colon or rectum cancer, studies from top universities and independent researchers, less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters, 22 percent higher risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer, our country’s number-one cause of death, Saturated fat has even been linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline, food poisoning is caused by contaminated animal flesh, may reduce their risk of developing Erectile Dysfunction by over 20 percent, hormones injected into cows especially cause health problems, the naturally-occurring sex hormones present in the animals, are given to animals that are used for food. The China Study concluded, “People who ate the most animal- based foods got the most chronic disease. Eating meat is definitely detrimental to your spiritual efforts. Meat also contains animal protein, saturated fat, and, in some cases, carcinogenic compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are formed during the processing or cooking. Before I learnt the dangers of eating meat my diet was full of piles of beautifully browned sausages, the perfectly grilled steaks, the crisp, delicious bacon, mixed grills and way too many eggs. It is an undeniable fact that meat is linked to so many of our ills. While more research is needed to make this correlation, if you don't want antibiotics in your food at all, it may be best to avoid factory-farmed meat. Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Benefits of Meat-Free Eating and Living. Their drugs in turn can enter your system when you eat antibiotic-treated animals, which can the stage for drug-resistance in your body, particularly if you’re a heavy-duty carnivore. Roughly 70 percent of the antibiotics used in the United States each year are given to animals that are used for food, meaning if you eat meat, you run a greater risk of making yourself antibiotic-resistant. In the next article that is what we will look at. To learn more, please see our privacy policy and cookie policy. Killing animals and eating meat have been significant components of human evolution that had a synergistic relationship with other key … More Reasons Why Meat is Bad for Us As though we needed more justifications that prove meat is bad for us, here are a few more. Research shows that people who eat red meat are at an increased risk of death from I know it sounds like the warning on a cigarette pack… Meat consumption has conclusively been linked to obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a many other chronic and deadly disease. The risk of developing heart disease among meat-eaters is 50 per cent higher than it is among vegetarians. Cutting out meat and switching to a veggie-centric diet may be good news for your waistline. ), the head, hooves, and horns, the bones and blood of the animals killed to create our foods are deposited into huge grinders at “rendering” plants together with carcasses of diseased animals. © Isn’t it now time you considered making the change. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reports that 70 percent of food poisoning is caused by contaminated animal flesh. The studies have also pointed to an elevated risk of mortality from red meat intake. If meat really raises your risk of cancer, which has yet to be proven, this may be the reason (31, 32, 33). Whereas fermented, organic soy in small amounts (like natto) does not pose serious health risks, eating soy protein isolate will definitely take its toll on the body. But it's not just processed meat that puts you at risk. Excess dietary carbohydrates, particularly fructose, alongside a relative deficiency in dietary fats and cholesterol, may lead to the development of Alzheimer’s disease Of course, you get to define what "a healthy body weight" means for you, and I'm not saying you should go vegetarian or vegan just to stay slim. To make cows grow at an unnaturally fast rate, the cattle industry feeds them pellets full of hormones. One of the best things you can do for your health is to either eat less meat, or cut it out altogether. The excess protein despite what people may think isnt good for … A more recent report published by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) recommends reducing the daily amount of cooked red meat eaten to around 70g a day. If you still require more inspiration or motivation and are perhaps wondering how eliminating meat from your diet would impact you directly, consider this great read from Dr. Michelle McMacken, MD: 7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat. Fortunately, there are many plant-based protein sources that are low in saturated fat and won’t send your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels through the roof. All these blames on meat is far from reality. While low levels of naturally-occurring hormones are found in various foods, many scientists are concerned that the artificial hormones injected into cows especially cause health problems in people who eat them. Meat Can Cause Heart Disease in Humans Carnivorous animals in the wild virtually NEVER develop heart disease or suffer from strokes—ailments that humans can suffer an increased risk of developing due to their consumption of the saturated fat and cholesterol found in meat. The body breaks down food aided by highly acidic juices in the stomach but some bacteria are not affected by this environment and will start to upset your inmune system.. Salmonella bacteria can be contracted from eating uncooked poultry and eggs and can take up to 72 hours to show any symptoms. "The take-home message is that a plant-based diet can help you lose weight without … Having Trouble Getting A Good Night Sleep, Read This…. This is less than one ‘quarter pound’ burger per day, a portion roughly the size of a pack of playing cards. I myself had a vague idea that eating too much meat wasn't great for my health, but since I used to only eat "a little" meat, and usually organic at that, I sort of thought of myself as exempt. Better in … Meat also contains hormones, which increase your cancer risk (more on that in a bit). The findings suggest that meat eaters might help improve their health by substituting other healthy protein sources for some of the red meat they eat. Meat and dairy products, which have traditionally been our primary source of protein, have high fat and cholesterol content, minimal fiber, and are associated with an increased risk of many chronic illnesses. Vegetarian men live to an average of 83.3 years, compared with non-vegetarian men, who live to an average of 73.8 years. So if you eliminate animal products from your diet, you'll also be eliminating your exposure to the most common carrier of these bacteria. Eating the amount of saturated fat from animals that most people do can lead to major health problems. The cattle rancher Howard Lyman, of ‘Who Won’t Eat Meat’ fame revealed that the cows, pigs, lambs, hens and turkeys we consume are fed on reject meat mixed with faecal matter. Being Healthy Isn’t Just About Looking After Your Body, You Need To Do This As Well.. Even relatively small intakes of animal-based food were associated with adverse effects.”, The Oxford Vegetarian Study found that “Meat eaters are twice as likely to die from heart disease, have a 60 percent greater risk of dying from cancer and a 30 percent higher risk of death from other causes. It helps in carry out metabolic functions smoothly. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, the genes' work changes. Meat, dairy... 3. In addition to causing heart disease, excess meat consumption leads to other health-degrading conditions, such as osteoporosis and even cancer. That’s not to say that all meats are unhealthy, though. In large part because of all the health risks mentioned above, meat eaters just don't live as long as vegetarians and vegans. Together, we can take back your health! In the simplest terms and the information that probably drove me to finally decide to try a plant based diet is the obvious that when we eat fatty foods every day of our lives, year after year, that this dietary fat and cholesterol pumps through our bloodstreams and leaves deposits inside our veins and arteries. Being aware of the dangerous health risks of meat consumption, and reducing meat consumption, or even better, going vegetarian gives you a better chance of long term health. Meat products provide the nutrients that are vital for the healthy maintenance of your body. Whether it is meat, poultry, and fish, they have one common benefit-protein. First, meat is devoid of fiber and other nutrients that have a protective effect against cancer. According to research by Dr. Neal Barnard at George Washington University, the average person who turned to a plant-based diet under their project supervision lost about 10 pounds in the span of about 44 weeks. 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score? Should Humans Eat Meat? Take our quiz today and find out! But it's not just processed meat that poses a health risk — science has known for a while that eating all kinds of animals, including "white meat," is bad for you. If your lifestyle is unhealthy, your "bad" genes begin working faster, causing the development of chronic diseases and obesity. Specifically, eating foods with saturated causes your body to produce more LDL, the "bad" cholesterol that increases your risk of cardiovascular disease. Meat, eggs, and dairy products slow the flow of blood to all the body’s organs — and not just the heart. The saturated fat and cholesterol in beef, pork, dairy foods, poultry, and eggs cause over 100,000 fatal heart attacks annually worldwide. The intestines (and their contents! There's actually a solution to this, but it's a bit stomach churning – eating raw meat. The China- Oxford-Cornell Project clearly documented that the diseases that affect and kill many in the US are unusual in rural China. “. All rights reserved. Large studies in England and Germany showed that vegetarians were about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters, the most common forms being breast, prostate, and colon cancers. We use cookies to ensure the best experience on our website. Is red meat bad? The Body. However, if you currently eat more than 90g (cooked weight) of red and processed meat a day, the Department of Health advises that you cut down to 70g, which is the average daily consumption in the UK. The World Health Organization made headlines last year when it declared processed meat a "carcinogen" that increases your risk of colon or rectum cancer by 18 percent. Just knowing what a pig’s diet is like can explain why the meat of the pig can be so dirty or at the very least not so appetizing to consume. Originally, it was thought that impotence was caused only by anxiety, but according to the Erectile Dysfunction Institute, up to 90 percent of all cases of impotence are actually physical as opposed to psychological, meaning the high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, prostate cancer or inflammations, and hormonal imbalances that eating meat causes might also contribute to impotence. Now I’d like to hear from you …Do you agree or disagree that consuming meat is bad for you? Additionally, according to a study published by the American Diabetes Association, people who eat high amounts of animal protein are 22 percent more likely to develop diabetes. Meat consumption has conclusively been linked to obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and a many other chronic and deadly disease. On average, vegans are 10 to 20 pounds lighter than adult meat-eaters. In spite of what the Annals of Internal Medicine study suggests, Dr. Hu says that an accumulated body of evidence shows a clear link between high intake of red and processed meats and a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. Vancomycin, a drug that is known as a “last defense” in fighting the deadly blood infections and pneumonia caused by staphylococcus bacteria, is becoming obsolete because resistant strains have developed in farmed animals who are given the medicine as a growth stimulant. A: For heart disease, the answer is pretty clear. Some effects of soy include decreased libido, mood swings, depression, and several others. But now I know that Vegetarians live six to 10 years longer on average than meat- eaters do. What changes — for better or worse — have you experienced if you’ve tried eliminating meat? I know it sounds like the warning on a cigarette pack… The risks involved here… are just as dangerous. Our digestive systems really … Images: Pexels; Cancer Research UK, The Science of Nutrition; Vegan Kitchen; Physicians Committee; Consumer Reports; The Truth About Agriculture. As more animal protein is consumed, cholesterol levels start going up, heart disease starts going up, and cancer increases. A new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also suggests that men who couple regular exercise with a diet rich in flavonoids, which are found in fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and apples, may reduce their risk of developing Erectile Dysfunction by over 20 percent. “Consumption of processed meat is positively associated with poorer health outcomes,” Fretts says. Home » Blog » Health » Why Meat Is Bad For Your Health. After two, three, four or more decades of this food assault on our bodies, it’s no wonder that we’re too often faced with a health crisis! High levels of LDL cholesterolincrease the risk of heart disease. Past research has tied red meat to increased risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Countless new strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria have developed as a result. Without it, our body doesn't produce collagen, and we can get every pirate's favourite, scurvy. Have you experienced any problems consuming meat? A 2014 Harvard study found that just one serving a day of red meat during adolescence was associated with a 22 percent higher risk of pre-menopausal breast cancer, and that the same red meat consumption in adulthood was associated with a 13 percent higher risk of breast cancer overall. Despite evidence from the World Health Organisation and their warning that eating processed meat increases the risk of cancer, many of us still don’t want to know about the real dangers of meat consumption. Of course, you can still eat these foods if you eat meat, but you're going to have fewer servings over time, and more health risks added into the mix. Another side effect of the all the protein in a meat-rich diet is that it can take a lot of your body's water to process it, leaving you dehydrated. Eating meat puts you at a greater risk for food poisoning because animal products are often tainted with fecal contamination during slaughter or processing. Meat is not only cancer-causing, heart-damaging, environment-thrashing, animal-abusing, and socially unjust, it’s also highly addictive. Instead of contributing to the destruction of your body, the environment, and animals' lives, you'll be on the side of health, sustainability, and respect for all living beings. “And that’s really no surprise given how fat we’ve genetically modified chickens to be these days – up to 10 times more fat than they used to have a century ago. It Signifigantly Increases Your Risk Of Cancer Most of us saw the story last year when the World Health Organization... 2. According to a Consumer Reports study, 97 percent of raw chicken in U.S. supermarkets is contaminated with bacteria that could make customers sick. However, this probably depends on the type you eat and how it’s cooked. The bottom line? Many people claim that eating meat raises cancer risk. It varies according to intake and sources. Fecal contamination in chicken, especially, is a major problem. A lot of health experts squarely blamed the consumption of meat for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and all cholesterol-related diseases. Even reducing meat intake has a protective effect. If you'd like to go the distance, looks like cutting out animals is one of the simplest things you can do. By now, you've probably heard that eating meat is bad for you. Like, really bad. A number of hypotheses are used to explain the connection between meat consumption and cancer risk. Welcome to my wellness blog. A 1996 study by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) showed that nearly 80 percent of ground beef is contaminated with disease-causing microbes. Vegetarian diets are also associated with higher metabolic rates (around 16 percent faster for vegans compared with meat-eaters). As the AsapSCIENCE guys explain, the skin and blubber of raw meat actually contains high amounts of vitamin C, but the cooking process destroys it. My name is Larry Lewis, Health & Wellness Life Coach, Founder of Healthy Lifestyles Living, contributor to the Huffington Post, recently featured in the Sunday Mail Newspaper and somebody who went from being an owner of a chain of gyms and fitness fanatic, to a visually impaired overweight and incredibly sick person. Vegetarians enjoy lower levels of LDL cholesterolincrease the risk of developing heart among! All meat and switching to a veggie-centric diet may be good news for your.. Than meat- eaters do at an unnaturally fast rate, the cattle industry feeds them full... Health-Degrading conditions, such as osteoporosis and even cancer all meat and cancer, it ’ s also addictive. Well as Alzheimer’s disease, excess why eating meat is bad for your body consumption has conclusively been linked to,! 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