In Orlando, the restart of the NBA season will soon begin. Thus, all basketball players have gathered there. LeBron James, in turn, complains that he does not want to leave his family and feels like a prisoner.
Disney World or a Jail?
All matches will be held at Disney World, and basketball players will live on campus.
Lakers forward LeBron James spoke about the trip, noting that he did not want to go anywhere and would miss his family so much.
“I have just left home to go to the bubble. It feels like I’m being taken to prison! Honestly. I don’t want to leave my family, indeed,” the player wrote on his Twitter.
Teams will be in isolation for several months. After the first round of the playoffs, close ones will be able to join the basketball players.
22 teams will be accommodated in three hotels.
Fishing and Amusement Parks
Meanwhile, NBA players began arriving in Orlando, where at Walt Disney World, the 2019/20 season will take place after it was suspended in March.
Since basketball players will be on campus all the time, the league sent out notes to the players explaining what they could do in their time off, after games, and work out.
Teams will be able to use the services of hairdressers and manicurists, and, as far as entertainment is concerned, players can play golf, bowl, go fishing, ride motorboats and visit amusement parks on campus (every kid`s dream, isn`t it?).
However, only five people can attend a two-hour fishing trip at a time. It is forbidden to have alcohol while fishing and boating. Amusement parks can accommodate delegations of up to 40 people.
For many, all that seems like paradise. Nevertheless, LeBron James feels like a prisoner for some reason.
What do you think is Disney World is a good place for the NBA season?